The average car purchased in 2023 emits higher levels of carbon dioxide (CO₂) than its 2013 equivalent. This is due to the large proportion of SUVs in the mix, which tend to be bigger and heavier. to – 1667 points –
Which pollutes more: a new SUV or a 10-year-old conventional vehicle?

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Someone pointed our interesting loop in US legislative about trucks and how producers are making their cars bigger to escape small trucks hard mile/gas / size quotas + lobbying of car makers to keep the trend going because bigger car = more profit. I wonder how big they can get them before them trucks can't drive in single line. Is there something similar to SUV by any chance?

Trucks like the Ford Raptor and "super duty" pickup variants (f250+/GM&Ram2500+) have extra lighting due to their width... So you can use that as an indicator. There is a limit to width.

Now the number of people capable of parking these things.....