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Joined 1 years ago

It seem idea of fedderating has spread even beyong feerated network. It's good thing. Sort of antimonopolisti.

Could be that when people go through something traumatic, it might break something inside mentally .

The guy is facing like dozens of criminal charges. How can someone like that run for presidency in the first place?

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Right, not to mention they also giving back to community by proposing game friendly changes on kernel AFAIK.

If just most games wold run on Linux out of box at least same as on Windows, i can imagine there would be shift in market share.
One of the reason is needless bloat of Windows so even my for-noobs-distro idles around 0% CPU and less the 1gb memory without doing almost any tweaking but Win10/11 constantly sends calls home and idles on 4-6GB of rams. Other thing is how lightning fast linux can be.

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Someone pointed our interesting loop in US legislative about trucks and how producers are making their cars bigger to escape small trucks hard mile/gas / size quotas + lobbying of car makers to keep the trend going because bigger car = more profit. I wonder how big they can get them before them trucks can't drive in single line. Is there something similar to SUV by any chance?

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Let's not point the finger at anyone for having stupidly big cars cough 🤧 US cough 🤧

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I can sort of understand both sides here.

When looking from one POV
innocent journalist.
crazy killing monsters who only live to kill Palestinians and once there are no Palestinians left there will be no meaning to their life.

Second POV is
people responsible for safety of their country who expect Hammas to try to sneak by any possible means into their territory to continue in previous brutality.
possible terrorist in disguise

I've been avoiding Chrome as devil avoids holy water for years. So I'm glad FF does well.

Is India such a popular destination for Canadians ? I mean who is hurt more in this "he`s done it, so i pay back" game?

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There are people laughing at them for not hiring someone born at 20th of April , very same folks riding elevators and not finding weird that the 13th floor is missing.

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Home school is bad because:

  • what people learn isn't controlled by official requirements
  • to teach kids properly one need special type of education themselves not parent who comes home at in the evening.
  • there is no diploma so getting job will be like "trust me bro, ima best"
  • socialization between kids is important.

That being sad US is weird in some of these aspects and they are not properly fullfilled even at schools.

16 more... used to be common in the past.

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It is also about religion. Radical Jewish think they are chosen by the God over others. Radical Islamist think killling infidels or in name of the God is best outcome, if kids die they died for God and will be rewarded . Take away religion, radicals will have much harder time find people to die in their cause.

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What is the alternative though that won't ruin female's sports that was built as part or followup of female's emancipation ?

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But you have to give Valve credit for supporting Linux gaming witch if gets popular enough will create perfect competition for Windows. imagine system that requires 1GB or RAM instead of 4-5GB when idle , that doesn't spy on you and is more secure. Perfect for gaming IMHO if taken seriously.

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This picture is wrong. Whole world is shaped like Murica . nothing else is known to man or so they say.

Progress for one man can be regression for other.

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I think it's rather because Hammas produced the video with her being pressed into back of their truck in unnatural position half naked and paraded trough the Gaza streets while tens or maybe hundreds people were celebrating her humiliation . But i might be wrong. 🤷‍♂️

They realized that Netflix is heading six feet under , Amazon sucks so they can go back to making profit.

Sometimes it's actually better with dark background on direct sun.

If we are talking about devices screen, white background kinda goes yellow on direct sun and contrast reduces. But black background goes dark grey and less light gets reelected back to the eyes.

If we are talking old school paper ( SHOCKING i know ). It's close to unreadable on direct sun when paper is white because it shines back too bright, it hurts eyes but black paper it much more comfy on eyes.

Note: Reason why black on white was used historicaly is most likely economical. (Less paint, easy to maintain.) If papyrus naturally turned black, all written text might have been in "dark mode" from the beginning.

So glad I rewrote all my comments before getting out of there.

1 more...

For me this works best regardless of the field

  1. Learn basics
  2. then do this for rest of your carrier
     ,.-> Learn more .,      
   .`                  `'    
  '                      \   
 |                        |  
  .                      /   
   ',                  ,-    
     `'' Practise   -'`     

Basically learn bit more -> use it immediately in any project - > rinse and repeat.

For those on Android, workaround might be Rossman's new app (the guy fixing Apple PCs). Promise seem kinda alternative NewPipe app but with platforms (e.g.YouTubes) algoritms, following creators across different platform and possibility to log in to your accounts.

It has opensource plugins capabilities so if it gets popular it might keep growing and living from comunity support as well.

I'm not affiliated with that. I'm also yet the app. This is not add. AFAIK app is not monetized at this point.

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Now with lithium.... are much much much more expensive

and explosive

I'm quite surprised they actually allowed to stick unknown USB into computer they will be selling to their customers 😮

Well those who come from India they don't need visa and second generation of original immigrants might not have such a tight relations on average as they have lived whole life in Canada. Then how many Canadians work in India in comparison to how many Indians work in Canada. I'm just guessing here but somehow I think Indians are hurting their own people. If it's about tourism , then again who needs tourism more if we count only tourists from these two countries visiting each other.

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Just make it third category.

  • female sports won't get affected
  • fairness will increase
  • fans can watch their own "cup of coffee "
  • possible pretenders will no longer be motivated by easy winning
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That is the case with every energy storage though in some cases it's more pronounced.

I could also write this but like 2 trans people decided to ruin life of 10 others each round. And factual value would be about the same.
I'm sick of those victimize everything agendas to be honest.

Some people would call it counterfeiting but we won't do that , right ?

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Those radicalized will be happy to die in name of their God. If civilian dies depending on their religion they will be rewarded by their God or infidels will be punished. So in their mind as long as many people die its a win.

I read somewhere that presumably Hamas uses out of the date / primitive ways of communication to avoid being tracked online. I can't seem to see Hamas to outperform Israel at cyber security but I can imagine them running "off network " cables via their tunnels or even using old fashion living messengers .
edit: typos

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Yep, gotta love them folks who use "white mode", full brightness and then turn on all lights in the room because they think it will help them see what is on screen.
Hurts eyes of everyone who gets in the way.

they hurt their own people in sense not Canadians in general. (Graparents won't see their grandchildren etc)

Do you think more Canadians work in India or vice versa? I don't know but somehow I get feeling Indians like working for higher $$$ in the west then Canadians in the India.

Isn't like half of MS ecosystem online only, even MS Office and Teams work via browser. Everything else works out of the box on my Linux Mint ( recommended for Windows to Linux switching users with super frindly forum ) And you can always dual boot.

In Russia territory, historically, they call some westerners "useful idiots" .

and now it is 20/23

What is your suggestion than?

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Don't let me start about my station wagon. I can get them back seats perfectly horizontal connecting the back space with middle and it makes comfy double bed. Not to mention that under the floor there are tons of storage spaces to keep all the tools and food or whatever out of the way.