Transgender players banned from international women’s cricket by ICC to World – 230 points –
Transgender players banned from international women’s cricket by ICC

The International Cricket Council has become the latest sports body to ban transgender players from the elite women’s game if they have gone through male puberty.

The ICC said it had taken the decision, following an extensive scientific review and nine-month consultation, to “protect the integrity of the international women’s game and the safety of players”.

It joins rugby union, swimming, cycling, athletics and rugby league, who have all gone down a similar path in recent years after citing concerns over fairness or safety.


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What is your suggestion than?

Does he have to have a better suggestion in order to point out how yours isn't viable?

It's preferable, as that's what constructive productive discussion is about as opposite to just negating and pointing out all is wrong all the time while never accepting any ideas.

It can be very constructive to point out why something is a bad idea without having an alternative in mind.

Doing something just to do something is how a lot of mistakes and accidents happen.

all the time while never accepting any ideas.

That hyperbole. What about good ideas?

I disagree because it doesn't lead anywhere , thus it doesn't consruct anything.

It can stop you from making things worse, but I'm tired of arguing this with you.

Believe what you want.

Trans people should be allowed in the sports of their gender provided they've been on HRT consistently for some time

The length can be argued but 2-3 years seem to be enough.

However those sport associations claim they had researches done and conclusions were that it is not fair due to difference in physical abilities and it brings health risk for female athletes.

2-3 years doesn't change lung size or bone density. There is a lot of stuff that doesn't change once it's developed.

Just make a separate league