Ideas for canvas 2023

eatham 🇭🇲 to – 34 points –

500x500 size, cos last canvas was too big

Last for longer, maybe 2weeks or more

Early 2024, maybe February -march or April

Announced early- like a week in advance for groups to form


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canvas size: i do agree the last canvas was too big with not enough people, honestly didn't think twice about how big i actually set it to. i might do what is suggesting, with it dynamically growing size

event time: i am not entirely sure atm, completely depends on when i think most people would be able to and my availability

announcing: i have plans to announce it a month in advance 🎉 then slowly ramping up announcements as it gets closer

other things we have a matrix chat and i'm working on getting a discord setup w/ bridging to the matrix space when i get the time to

Couldn't we figure out a way to make it dynamically grow? I think it would be really cool if it wasn't a perfect square.

It would be super cool if the dimensions followed the A4 paper scale, i.e. approximating 1:sqrt(2) each time it expanded.

i actually really like that idea, i'll keep note of it :)

Thanks! I have two questions:

Q1: Would you care to divulge how you managed to find my reply to a comment you didn't make, on a post you didn't make, a mere two hours after I posted it? Are you a wizard? :)

Q2: Do you listen to the Hello Internet podcast? I ask because you moderate a CGP Grey community and a pixel art community, both of which seem closely related to HI.

A1: I’m passionate about this project so I want to keep up with the community around it :) I’ve used Lemmy’s sort by new in the community + comments filter and also following the community via my Mastodon account (Lemmy community comments show up as boosts when viewed on mastodon)

A2: I don’t listen to the HI podcast, haven’t really gotten into any podcasts myself. I just noticed that there wasn’t a CGPGrey community yet, and because I like his content, wanted to make a small community around his content :)

(I don’t remember moderating a pixel art community, unless if you’re talking about Canvas, which is a yearly fediverse event :) )

I would buy a poster with the canvas on it. Maybe this this could fund the project in the future.

this is also pretty inventive, i'll also keep a note of this :)