grant 🍞

@grant 🍞
33 Post – 128 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The instances page at join-lemmy is completely automated

This definitely needs to get pushed to the two main devs for lemmy as they control that website

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as far as I'm aware, this is the first r/place-like event for Lemmy

exapsy might be talking about Reddit's r/place from last year tho

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the pxls backend was spammed by reports done by the software itself (such as "account logged in with ip shared with 2,000 other users" due to a bug related to reverse proxy settings)

a lot of them we just couldn't get to because the aforementioned bug created 60+ pages of reports with no bulk delete or filter options

next year's system will be a lot better setup to avoid these types of issues happening tho!

It was very difficult notifying people of the event, but I am planning to run another one next year!

Make sure you're in the Lemmy community (! and the Matrix space so you don't miss it!

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that was a major hiccup this time around i wasn't expecting the event to be this large and this wanted, but i do have plans to market it a bit better this year

if you use Mastodon or Matrix check out this post

I personally really enjoy Matrix but it’s not really a β€œfediverse” thing but it is a federated end to end encrypted messaging platform

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I sent a couple messages into the Lemmy Instance admins Matrix room, but a lot of instances ignored the posts I made πŸ˜… was voting internally on when to announce it but the event would've been over before the internal voting concluded they are interested in joining the next event tho πŸ‘€

and to any Lemmy instance admins reading this, join the admin room so you can be aware of the next one :)

Yeah, but… why?

it was really hard to get the word out for this event, but the next time this event happens I'll be announcing it on this community and in the Matrix space

It’s the chicken & egg problem; people won’t use peertube because there’s no good content on there and content creators wont go there because the people aren’t there

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(also posting this here as i mentioned it in our matrix room)

i'm not going to explicitly banning threads from contributing but i also won't be testing with it (as i don't plan to register on threads)

if enough people are against it i might change my plan though πŸ‘

Like xuv said, it was a matter of moderation and how Matrix is much better setup for moderation. I failed to remove the mentions to the chat though, which did confuse people, sorry about that.

for next years I would like to better connect the on-site chat with Matrix to make chatting a lot easier (and bridging a Discord server to the Matrix space)

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It looks really good! When I saw it on my feed my first response was β€œoh shoot someone beat me” πŸ˜‚

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There’s no announced date yet

I’m still keeping my plan of announcing the date 30 days before Canvas starts to allow for groups to form and whatnot

Progress updates are being put in the Canvas Matrix space and Discord server if you want to keep even more up to date

I’m finishing up my college classes this month so development will speed up once those are done

the config switch wasn't as clean as I wanted lmao

thanks for participating everyone!!

yeah it's satire lol

i didn't know that openstreetmap had overpass, and i found it funny that one of their examples is to find banks far away from police stations

Like 10 minutes ago the project was nuked by the owner

Oh hey it’s also toast’s 1 year as well πŸŽ‰

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you're right! totally forgot to post it there

here's the new post there:

Video hosting is a very expensive process and peertube does a lot more stuff to video files compared to Lemmy/mastodon

I’m not sure if this would be feasible for development or peertube hosts but idk, it would be a neat idea though

I posted here about this exact question already, but it was very difficult to get instance admin's attention πŸ˜…

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If I remember correctly, apple also made it so iPad apps automatically work on the Vision Pro unless if the dev explicitly disables it, which is also a plus

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Seems like a good small coding project if you’re up to that

Like the others are saying, if more people are planning on participating we won't need a smaller canvas

Getting instances on board was initially very hard, but thanks to some community members posting it on other communities we were able to get this big

More info in another comment

That seemed to be a major hiccup this time around, getting the word out there

my plan for next year's is to give 30 days and 7 day notice before the event starts

make sure you're subscribed to ! & in the Matrix space so you don't miss it next year

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The data is publicly available for everyone in the thank you post

I am honestly worn out from running & maintaining the event to write it myself, but I welcome anyone to develop this tool for everyone :)

If someone decides to make this, just post it here or message me on matrix and I'll pin it on this community!

I already have plans in the work to sell Canvas prints of this year's and last year's πŸ™πŸŽ‰

the proceeds from the print sales (and possibly other items) will go to funding Canvas itself (and maybe other things)

(more details related to this will come out within the next month most likely)

that would be great, i'll make sure you add yours as well πŸ˜€

there is, I tried to get it written by the 24h mark but i didn't get to it unfortunately

there will be one at the end of the event though!

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canvas size: i do agree the last canvas was too big with not enough people, honestly didn't think twice about how big i actually set it to. i might do what is suggesting, with it dynamically growing size

event time: i am not entirely sure atm, completely depends on when i think most people would be able to and my availability

announcing: i have plans to announce it a month in advance πŸŽ‰ then slowly ramping up announcements as it gets closer

other things we have a matrix chat and i'm working on getting a discord setup w/ bridging to the matrix space when i get the time to

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That seemed to be a major hiccup this time around, getting the word out there

my plan for next year's is to give 30 days and 7 day notice before the event starts

make sure you're subscribed to ! & in the Matrix space so you don't miss it next year

Key reselling sites are often pretty sketchy, I’d go HumbleBundle route as that’s approved by the game devs

If you are worried about unwanted charges on your card I’d try to get a temporary card at least

Something that I’d love to see in a fediverse server that exposes the client-to-server standard of creating statuses instead of just the Mastodon API

2 more... still links to it, although it returns a service unavailable, so it looks unmaintained

Also the most recent forum post is about how covid is a hoax

I feel like it’s because of the risky nature of video content and it appearing to be hosted by the site

I run a small instance that doesn’t have open registrations and is very limited in who it follows to prevent risky videos from accidentally being rehosted (and to host content I helped make)

In my other comment I described how I find communities but with this alpha I have a set list of instances to use

Are your communities listed on your current instance ( I can add that to the temporary list if you’d like

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i've also posted something similar on Mastodon that also includes an explanation of what canvas is

I ran a fork of pxls for this event and they have their own instance at, and compared to, is moderated (if that's what you're looking for) :)

I would love to host other events besides Canvas!

If anyone has ideas for events they would like to see done, message me on Matrix or shoot me an email

it'll be 500x500 (from 1000x1000 last year)