[2023] Thanks for joining!

grant 🍞@toast.ooomod to Canvas@toast.ooo – 1390 points –

Thanks for joining in! The canvas is now finished!

I’m going to be leaving the canvas up and read-only for a couple days, but not too long.

This was incredibly fun to host, thank you all for participating!

Future Events

I’d love to make this a yearly event. Expanding from just Lemmy to the entirety of the fediverse aswell!

I’ll reuse this Lemmy community & the Matrix space for that event

If you have suggestions for future events, post them in a comment on this post, each suggestion as it’s own comment so people can vote on them




Thank you for creating it! Honestly, I enjoyed this one more than r/place.

Great thing that there was much less vandalism. I was able to single-handedly put my work on there and didn't have to fix up anything at all.

Same, that was a nice surprise. I was worried that the green labyrinth would consume my build but it just started growing along the edges, so I helped it spread further afterwards :))

I did most of the labyrinth! My original idea was that it would be more of an interstitial background linking other artwork together.

Oh nice you're here :D

Love the idea, I had a lot of fun spreading it and being frustrated when I miscalculated the distance for the colors when getting near another build. Would you be willing to do it again next year / in the next event?

Yeah, it was fun!

Do you think "LabyrinthineCanvas" would be a fitting name for a community to organize? Well, if you'd be in for a community at all, could also just simply start it again next time ^^

I don’t know if there’s already a convention for naming Canvas-related communities, but it seems like it would make more sense for them to start with “Canvas” so they all sort together in peoples’ community lists.

Oh that's a good point, maybe it should be something along the lines of CanvasMaze/-Labyrinth. I'll give it some more thought

Way less vandalism. I noticed the don't got erased on the "don't that on me" and I think that's now gone entirely, probably because it's now associated with Tea Partiers in the states.

I know it's largely due to a smaller user base, and therefore smaller spread to overly popular personalities and groups, but this is so much nicer without the exceedingly large national flag patterns and huge streamer vanity projects.

Being able to actually differentiate things at a glance is nice too


this was so much fun~ Because of everything that happened on reddit I wasn't able to enjoy r/place much. So I am really happy that it happened here and it gave me a reason to finally create an account ^^ I feel proud for what I was able to do on the canvas and also happy how the canvas turned out. I'm excited for next year~

The lack of vandalism gives me the heartwarming mental imagery of passionate people drawing the things they love while being kind and understanding to one another. It makes me unreasonably happy

And all the cooperation that went into not messing up people’s art. I made a bisexual flag heart by the Aussie flag, and the bronies messaged me and said “we want to put something there but we will move your heart. Is that okay?” Which I thought was nice. Lots of people helping others too! Such a difference from the other place, and it reminds me why I moved to Lemmy.

That was the best part of the reddit place events as well, the diplomacy. Groups will help each other out to garner goodwill, it's the only way protect your area. There was something so fun about sliding into the DMs of a big group like the Germans, representing my group panicking about being under attack by some twitch streamer, then they might say, sorry we're defending somewhere else. Another time your trying to rally your team to go off and defend some other cause you care about. It's a simulation of world politics and it's beautiful.

That didn't happen as much with the Lemmy event because space wasn't scarce.

It did happen, but yeah, not as much. But the cool thing was, but for a few exceptions, people didn’t overwrite others’ art for malice or lols. And even the Amoogus played nice!

There was a little. Like "banana for scale" became "bananada🇨🇦 for scale". Sadly it got half-reverted at the end, which is the worst of birth worlds imho. And I had to protect the Canada flag from some vandalizing. Things that were possible to change with small single-person edits happened, like mangling the text in the Stardew Valley banner, or the magnificent bastard who put one red pixel in the bottom right corner of The Blue Zone.


My goal there was always Bananada. Someone else wrote the "for scale", but I figured that was cool.

I do wish that whoever edited it near the end while I was sleeping had followed through and removed the "a" as well. I agree that this is the worst of both worlds.

Edit: I just noticed that the same guy who removed the bottom half of the d also added a pixel to one of the "n"s, so now they don't even match. Ugh.

Oh, my bad. I don't know if "da" was finished first and I just missed it or "for scale" was finished first, but I thought I saw "banana for scale" first and assumed the "da" was added later by somebody else.

I really whish someone would have vandalised the facist grey wolf logo on the left though..

1 more...

It was an honor to place art with all of you <3 Thanks for bringing the fediverse community together with this event!

This looks so polite, like everyone is nice to others. Just like lemmy.

To be fair, our work was heavily griefed by a user running 6 accounts, then almost erased by a moderator before they changed their mind. Then there was more trolling and fighting in two places. Other than that, it was fun and significantly less chaotic than r/place.

Damn, I missed it :/

Seems much nicer than the Reddit one

Doesn't it? The Reddit one is always such a mess

Streamers ruined r/place. The first year was the only good one.

It was very difficult notifying people of the event, but I am planning to run another one next year!

Make sure you're in subscribed to this community and the Matrix space so you don't miss next years!

Was my first time participating in something like this and after hearing what a clusterfuck r/place was.

This was surprisingly fun, more time would be great, though.

Honestly, I didn't expect my name to stay ("Rin", bottom left ish inside the green box). I made it expecting it to be quickly overwritten, but people just went around it.

Someone even gave me a shadow. :)

Thank you for running this, grant. Appreciate all the hard work.

A very small percentage of folks will always whine about some grievance or point out what they feel should have been done differently, but 99.9% of everyone who engaged had a great time, thanks to you, and you won't hear anything from most of them.

I got covid for the first time as of last Friday, so we're self isolating and lying low, so this gave me something to focus on and do for long stretches, and it genuinely made a big difference.

I was able to draw my old high school notebook comic character Block Head at 2 o'clock on the Firefox logo completely unimpeded by griefers or vandals. It was really nice. Thanks again.

Few things to point out:

Go vegan!!! Yes!!!

Lot more My Little Pony than I was expecting...

Destiny community's in there

Love seeing all the Pokémon :)

Congrats everyone, the final canvas is awesome!!
Till next time!

Much white space

Very ponies


Yeah, like it or not, Lemmy is not as big as Reddit. One weekend wasn't long enough.

Then again, no bot armies was nice.

You can get cleaner art if you just wipe out neighbours and replace with your own through bots. Working together and building together is on brand for Lemmy. I prefer human flawed art to robot perfect art.

The canvas started slightly too big, but the end goal was epic considering.

I'm willing to bet that more people would have contributed if they knew where the damn page was to begin with.(Such as myself). It wasn't advertised very well.

Thanks, that was interesting. Pretty different experience when there's very little contention for space.

Hey, I remember this username! You were spending your pixels on grieving us...

Cause crypto is shit.

Well you're kinda right, the "crypto" space as a whole is mostly driven by speculation and hype about price. We encourage neither, and focus on building private digital cash.

This is reflected in how our instance is run, zero user data is required for signup. To prevent bots we have a one time fee of about 1.5 USD. This also covers about half the expenses, the other half is provided by anonymous donations. The hosting is directly paid with Monero, making the instance and us a bit more independent from large corporations and especially payment providers.

Because you are here on lemmy, I figured you share some of those values, and that you might find use in private transactions. If you want become rich, you should look somewhere else.

It's not crypto, it's the people that use it

Understandable sentiment, I cant stand the crypto bros either. For me, it's not about lambos or whatever, I just wanna be able to buy stuff without paypal, mastercard and anybody else tracking my every step.

On the canvas we made it very clear from the beginning to not damage surrounding art and pushed for a creative use of the area (besides the coins, but come on, almost everybody has some flag or logo on the canvas)

OH CRAP this was its own thing?!? Now I’m sad, I saw this and immediately assumed it was place so I ignored it 😥 that’ll teach me to read first

It was great fun, thanks for hosting it, and also thank you to everyone who didn't paint over my DAFC badge. I love that some nice folks painted the Trans flag there, and went underneath mine, and even left a nice single white pixel border, looks great!

Also, that coffee machine is great 😃

When did this happen?? I didn't see it at all

it was really hard to get the word out for this event, but the next time this event happens I'll be announcing it on this community and in the Matrix space

I participated. It was awesome being able to make a difference just by spending some time on it. I never really felt that in Reddit (I didn't participate in the first one).

Seeing all the pixels come together and find their place with all the different design ideas going around is always fun to see.

I thought it was impossible to get something meaningful down but I eventually made something nice in the end!

Wasn't able to participate until today but I managed to place that small pencil in the bottom left corner. Was a fun little project. Can't wait until next time!

Awesome experience and really showed what a great community the Lemmyverse is. Thanks for running it!

Sooooo proud of you guys. Most of us have only been here for like a month and asked you created that? Big props! <3

Cudos to the guy who completed the south park characters . I am sorry I couldn't help after coloring cartman

Thank you for your help. I wasn't able to make it on reddit's place, so being able to do it here is great.

Don't mention it :)

That's one of the cutest art on the canvas

I like the native wheel with the pride maple leaf and Canada goose.

Also, way too many My Little Ponies lol

Thanks everyone who helped with my logo AMOGUS and creating 9 different AMOGUS with me!

Honestly, I find it wholesome that everyone got their little space to draw without much fighting. Perhaps making the canvas increase in size by request /user numbers to accommodate newcomers instead of forcing them to draw over someone else artwork is what would make this event unique compared to r/place.

I only got to participate in the last little bit there, but it was really fun!

I painted an Andalusian flag that made it to the end! It's top-right of the X|V logo.

Viva Andalucía libre y viva Lemmy!

Turned out really well, thanks for organising!

I see Nijika-chan, I'm happy.

Who is Nijika?

For the blind, she is their vision. For the deaf, she is their music. For the mute, she is their voice. For the anosmiac, she is their aroma. For the numb, she is their feeling. For the atrophied, she is their muscle.

For the starved, she is their sustenance. For the thirsty, she is their water. For the exhausted, she is their energy.

For the depressed, she is their happiness. For the disillusioned, she is their hope. For the pessimistic, she is their optimism.

For the disadvantaged, she is their champion. For the marginalised, she is their justice. For the oppressed, she is their salvation.

For the righteous, she is their symbol. For the enlightened, she is their muse. For the erudite, she is their education

Thanks so much for hosting this! It was so much fun and really heartwarming to be witness to such community cooperation and respect. Also, I’m really impressed by some of the art on here! Great job! Thank you everyone!

I'm gonna leave this comment here so I can flex on people saying I was at the first lemmy canvas in the future 🆒️😎


So 1994

1994? Reznor and Ross are still dropping albums and doing a lot of great work. They made the soundtrack for the new TMNT movie, helped produce an amazing Halsey album in If I Can't Have Love I Want Power, and while The Trilogy has a lot of filler I liked the tracks on Add Violence.

amazing Halsey album


Go give "I am not a woman I'm a god" a listen and tell me Reznor's influence isn't really obvious. It's basically Yassified "Closer".

So many ponies. I love it

This was a lot of fun! I (briefly) participated in the first reddit place, but I didn't find it anywhere near as friendly or engaging as I found this. Thanks to whoever started Calvin after I finished Hobbes and needed to take a break, I never would've gotten both done without you!

i made the mexico flag next to the duckgame's duck. In honor of the 2017 sombrero duck.

It's over already!? I never even figured out how to find it, let alone contribute... :(

That seemed to be a major hiccup this time around, getting the word out there

my plan for next year's is to give 30 days and 7 day notice before the event starts

make sure you're subscribed to !canvas@toast.ooo & in the Matrix space so you don't miss it next year

imho the canvas was a bit too large for the userbase. Sure it's cool that everyone got a spot but I liked the thrill of the "fights" every time two projects tried to occupy the same space. But I guess the "friendly nature" of canvas kind of reflects the current state of lemmy so it's okay :)

I agree. For me it's not the fights but the artworks that take the shape they can. As in Flags in non rectangle shapes and in general works adapting to their environment.

I made that "ni" adjacent to the Indian flag lol. Thank goodness nobody overtook it.

I just heard about this today wth!?

It was very difficult notifying people of the event, but I am planning to run another one next year!

Make sure you're in subscribed to this community and the Matrix space so you don't miss next years!

Love that aphex twin always makes an appearance in these ❤️

I was sad to see it being over so soon. Thank you for creating this :)

that was so fun! I'm glad a lot of people joined in

Well that was fun. I tried to help with programming.dev's checker pattern and I think I'm gonna see it on my dreams for a while. I also made the mario 3 frog suit cause why not.