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Joined 1 years ago

Only commenting to give this post even more engagement, lol

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Millions of auto-updating installs on unsuspecting users devices who thought they installed a privacy respecting app, but is now likely to harvest as much personal data as possible.

For electrical engineering there is KiCad, which is pretty good overall. Only reason I'm still using proprietary software is because I'd have to recreate my libraries and it will be a huge pita.

For mechanical design there is FreeCad, which is usable for simple geometries, but if you come from a proprietary CAD software you may find it lacking.

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Reminder is much appreciated. I checked out their donation page and learned that they also accept XMR, which is great if you don't want to give the middleman leeches (paypal etc.) any data or money:

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It was an honor to place art with all of you <3 Thanks for bringing the fediverse community together with this event!

I've lost all my respect for the official wikipedia when they deleted a page that I frequented regular. It was an overview about the generational differences between products from one large manufacturer. iirc it was dismissed as an ad or something.

The infuriating part was that this page existed for 10+ years, had 200 different authors, and 100k+ monthly views. But yeah, mods went power tripping with no regard to the dozens of hours unpaid volunteers put in. Fuck this

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I'd like the option to place white pixels on virgin white pixels as a form of grief protection.

Same here. Donated not only to cover my installs, but also for everyone I recommended it to. I hope the f-droid version wont be affected, otherwise I have to uninstall the upcomming bloat- and spyware ridden versions manually from a bunch of devices smh.

I mean I am fine with apps not being maintained and eventually break, but selling out and breaching trust like this is exactly how regular companies would treat me and why I chose FOSS in the first place.

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Essentially it's a giveaway/handout/distribution to people who fulfill some criteria. There was one coin that gave away significant amounts (>1k USD) to early users and since then it has become kinda popular. Because who would turn down something free?!

Except its not free. For starters, you'd usually have to pay significant network fees to claim the airdrop, and second the money has to come from somewhere. It's the same with government printing money and distributing some to the people, in the end we all pay for it with inflation. So yeah, pretty scammy overall.

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You cant remove pocket and telemetry without recompiling. That's why its not just a config file.

Placement data is available in the official final post, it's up to us to process it into nice maps. I expect that to happen in the coming days.

post your suggestion here as well so people can vote on it:

People joke about this all the time, and I here the sarcasm in your comment, but technology has come far since the iphone 6 or 7.

Most high end phones have wireless charging build it. Between the receiver coil and the rest of the phone is a thin sheet of ferrite material to prevent the electromagnetic field from getting to the sensitive electronics. Battery technology has also improved a lot, so much that even relatively cheap phones like the Realme GT Neo 5 charge at 150W!

From the technical perspective the limit is the cable and connector, because there would be too much losses that heat up the cable to dangerous levels and rapidly degrade the contact area in the connectors. Manufacturers don't want to deal with this security risk, not the increased RMA rates within the mandated guarantee period, so they artificially limit the charging rate.

Thing is: You absolutely can charge at higher speeds if you bypass the cable altogether! A microwave outputs usually somewhere between 150W-1000W, so stick to the lower end to be on the safe side. The screen of the phone must face down, because the charging coil is placed on the back. You also must prevent overcharging by setting the timer correctly: If your phone battery has 15Wh capacity, and you are charging with 150W, you must at most charge for 1/10 of an hour, or 6 minutes (less if you are just topping up your phone).

One final note: fast charging does put increased wear on the battery, so I only recommend to use it when you need it, for example when you need to make a flight and are already running late.

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USB3 is quite forgiving regarding the layout. The standard +-10% impedance matching is fine, and because there is no dedicated clock line you don't need to do length matching either. Even differential pair length mismatch is not that big of a deal. If 0.1mm is easy to archive, sure go for it, but I'd rather compromise on this in favor of more important parameters.

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Hard disagree. I don't like Volt either, and I'd never vote for them, but I must acknowledge that their political views align with the majority of liberal left users. If you'd like them to be gone, you are more then welcome to team up with friends to replace their pixels with better art. That's entire point of the canvas after all, to see what emerges when random groups and people share the same space.

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please do not bring over reddit memes. Eventually someone will not understand the irony and keep doing it for real. thanks

God I wish more artists would support direct donations. Yoink the file from wherever and in exchange sneak 10 bucks into the artists pockets.

After I noticed this bs the very first thing I did was checking if had a copy, which they did, and since then I regularly donate to them instead.

I want to have my own FOSS infotainment system, without proprietary garbage shipped with it. Replaced my head unit with an Android based one and don't ever want to go back.

Unlike pretty much all other standards, all USB documents are open access and allow you to build compliant devices without 3rd party permission. You only need a license if you want to sell devices with the logo and/or need a official Vendor and Product ID (VID/PID). So unless all manufactures are forced to publish documentation for their IO in a similar level of detail, forcing one standard upon everyone is the next best option. Apple gambled on keeping their connector proprietary, and now get the backlash they deserve.

I highly recommend pdf-exchange editor. It's not FOSS either, BUT it does offer a perpetual offline license, has a portable version and works even better. They do have a free reader version, so you can try out if you like their UI before you buy the full version.

I don't want to rent the battery in my car.

That is why.

Try Neo Luncher (IzzyOnDroid repo). It supports a lot of the customization options as Nova, but is completely FOSS.

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The signal does not care about how it gets from the sender to the receiver. The only thing that matters is that at the receivers end 0s and 1s can be separated. One common measurement is the eye pattern. If the eye is "open" enough (=matches the spec), communication is possible.

Impedance mismatch causes reflections (visible as oscillation after rising/falling edge), differential pair line mismatch degrades the slop of the signal transition (rising/falling edge). Geometric features only matter if they are large compared to the signal wavelength. As a rule of thumb features smaller then 1/20th of a wavelength can be safely ignored, often times a ratio as large as 1/5 works just fine. USB3 uses 2.5Ghz (5Gbit/s) or 5Ghz (10Gbit/s), where 1/20th result in 3.4mm and 1.7mm respectively (assuming an effective dialectic of 3.17). This is still grossly simplified, because in many real systems you don't control the entire transmission line (eg. user buys a random cable and expects it to work), so it makes sense that the USB consortium specifies eye patterns and factors in various system uncertainties.

RAM on the other hand uses 16/32/64/128 single ended data lines, with a dedicated clock line. Data does not have to arrive perfectly at the same time, but the margin may be as little as 1/10th of a clock cycle. Here accurate length matching is absolutely required. Its also the reason why the same CPU + RAM combination may archive higher stable clock rates on some mainboards then on others.

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Well you're kinda right, the "crypto" space as a whole is mostly driven by speculation and hype about price. We encourage neither, and focus on building private digital cash.

This is reflected in how our instance is run, zero user data is required for signup. To prevent bots we have a one time fee of about 1.5 USD. This also covers about half the expenses, the other half is provided by anonymous donations. The hosting is directly paid with Monero, making the instance and us a bit more independent from large corporations and especially payment providers.

Because you are here on lemmy, I figured you share some of those values, and that you might find use in private transactions. If you want become rich, you should look somewhere else.

This is the issue, you can squeeze more money out of your consumers if you lock them into an ecosystem an license every single 3rd party device.

Undoubtedly the best naming scheme. The x2 suffix should not be dropped tho, because it shows that USB and the alt-DP mode can be used at the same time.

Understandable sentiment, I cant stand the crypto bros either. For me, it's not about lambos or whatever, I just wanna be able to buy stuff without paypal, mastercard and anybody else tracking my every step.

On the canvas we made it very clear from the beginning to not damage surrounding art and pushed for a creative use of the area (besides the coins, but come on, almost everybody has some flag or logo on the canvas)

I think it's funny how most lemmy users are pro open source, pro privacy, pro digital rights; but once it comes to money all that is thrown out of the window and they happily get on their knees for paypal and the few other large players.

Yes, the current state of crypto is a mess. People are attracted by the promise of the big payout, rather then seeking an alternative payment system, making them ripe for scammers that promise the world, but in the end only rug "investors". Even "functional" cryptos are often highly centralized, making them as bad as banks in terms of reliability. Almost none implement any privacy features, and if they do, its typically a tacked on afterthought.

But this does not make the original idea invalid. Will it ever live up to the promise of alternative money? Maybe. Maybe not. Only time will tell if the issues that exist right now will be fixed.

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A slight heating is perfectly normal and nothing to worry about. A microwave is fine tuned to heat food, or more precisely the water within. Other materials such as the glass on the back of the phone also absorb some energy, but only a tiny fraction.

Our community always cared a lot about decentralization, so naturally we had to have our own instance, even before the reddit api exodus. It only made sense to use the instance of the community I vibe with. Besides this, we offer:

  • closed signup to limit bot account creation, you need either manual verification or a signup fee for anonymous users
  • high performance instance which is entirely community funded with the signup fees + anonymous donations
  • unlimited access to the fediverse, there's no de-federation unless required by law

NFTs require arbitrary data storage, which not all blockchains support (or are prohibitively expensive).

My preferred lemmy instance is funded with xmr.

I don't use AI to copy other peoples work. I use AI as a better search engine for obscure topics where I don't know the right keywords. Describe your issue in cleartext, and out comes enough info to migrate to a better search. I've also used AI to modify my own works, ie. "blur out the background of this image" or "remove object from image".

When people argue in favor of traditional banking because they are more "environmental friendly", I really have to ask who is arguing ion bad faith. Aren't credit cards a thing because banks know that given the chance people will consume more then they can afford? They are the one complicit in our consumerist culture, which arguably places a much higher burden on the environment. But the calculation is much broader then comparing the power consumption of ATMs with crypto networks, so it's easy to sweep that part under the rug.

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Hey, I remember this username! You were spending your pixels on grieving us...

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Neo Launcher is great! Switched over from Nova Launcher because they had all the customization features I wanted, without the being tied to google play store. Also recommend the Neo Feed RSS reader, which integrates right on the home screen.

DAVx⁵ works great and super reliable

It's not even expensive. A single euro monthly per user is more then enough to keep instances running

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LPCAMM may have better specs, but DIMM requires a smaller area on the PCB and can make better use of the vertical space.

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