Simple Mobile Tools is being sold to a for-profit firm ZipoApps

Gogo to – 584 points –


Simple Mobile apps have been very popular among FOSS enthusiasts. I've personally been using the Gallery, Contacts and the Phone app since a few years now. It's a shame that it has come to this, will be on the lookout for their forks.


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Try Neo Luncher (IzzyOnDroid repo). It supports a lot of the customization options as Nova, but is completely FOSS.

I just don't recommend using Neo Launcher if you have Android 14. Been having very annoying issues with it on Android 14, but not on any other Android version. Hopefully they'll release an update soon; the last update was 10/28/22.

There is active development though.

I have been using Total launcher since the Nova Sale. A bit of a learning curve but very pleased with it. Would recommend.

Nice ! I'll look into it and try to migrate from my veeeeeeeeeeery customized Nova to it^^