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When I say we abide by the various open source licenses that apply to our code, I mean it.

So he's saying that Red Hat intends to abide by licenses such as the GNU GPL, and yet...

Simply rebuilding code, without adding value or changing it in any way, represents a real threat to open source companies everywhere. This is a real threat to open source...

Red Hat is claiming that redistribution (which is explicitly allowed and encouraged by the GPL) is a threat to open source. They are also threatening to penalize customers who do exercise the rights granted to them by the licenses that Red Hat claims that they will "abide by".

According to Red Hat the GNU GPL is a threat to open source. And they think this won't make people angry?

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I'm happy with how my Lugia turned out. I got a small Pikachu snuck in there as well.

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If you're using universal blue images, that comes built into the image (at least on nvidia images for sure). To get rid of it, you'd have to use rpm-ostree override remove to get rid of it.

I'm not sure about using xml files, but there's also a 'picture-uri-dark' key you need to set instead if you're using dark mode. I have a similar setup with a systemd user timer that runs every 5 minutes.

Edit: I just tried it out in the terminal and it works ok for xml files, too. Also, I try to avoid parsing the output of ls in scripts. You can use find instead, something like

find $wallpath -name '*.xml'

should work.

I only got to participate in the last little bit there, but it was really fun!

The Mineclone2 game for Minetest is pretty solid, and it's got most of what Minecraft has, it seems. My son and I play it pretty often.

It's looking good so far! There's lots of pretty cool projects going on there, too.

I think they'll still be compliant as long as they offer their source to customers. The GPL doesn't require that you make source available to anyone, but to anyone that you distribute binaries to. From the GNU website:

One of the fundamental requirements of the GPL is that when you distribute object code to users, you must also provide them with a way to get the source.

Source: Quick GPLv3 Guide under the More Ways for Developers to Provide Source section.

Of course the GPL also allows redistribution of source code, and Red Hat seems to want to threaten customers who do so.

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I think they got the nvidia driver accumulation thing straightened out. On Fedora 40, I had it automatically remove a bunch of older versions and now it only lists the 64 and 32 bit versions I expect it to.

$ flatpak list | grep nvidia
nvidia-550-76	org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.nvidia-550-76		1.4	system
nvidia-550-76	org.freedesktop.Platform.GL32.nvidia-550-76		1.4	system

Edit: looks like it's fixed by this.

Nope, not at all. Silverblue here (GNOME), and the upgrade went smooth, nvidia drivers and all.

You might like King Diamond -- Sleepless Nights. Really anything King Diamond or Mercyful Fate, especially off the Songs for the Dead Live tour.

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As far as I'm aware, the Truecrypt backdoor thing was speculation regarding the termination of the Truecrypt project, but it was not confirmed. You can see here that development of Truecrypt ceased in 2014. Veracrypt was forked around that time. As for whether or not you can trust it, you'll want to evaluate the audits that have been performed and decide if you trust them. You can find a link to what seems like the latest audit here.

As far as I'm aware, CloudLinux is based on CentOS for older versions, and Alma Linux for newer versions, so it would be in the RHEL sphere of things.

They're also the company that launched and continues to sponsor Alma Linux, a community run RHEL compatible distribution.

Truecrypt is abandoned, and has vulnerabilities that will not be fixed. Veracrypt is a fork of Truecrypt that is still actively maintained.

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Not quite the same issue, but similar in the sense that it was caused by a UEFI that didn't conform to spec.

I have an HP laptop that I installed Debian on, and it would never actually boot to grub even though I checked the boot entries several times over. You could open the settings and choose the boot entry manually, so it's not like it was a problem with the OS or with grub. Turned out, this model was hard coded to only allow a boot entry named "Windows Boot Manager" to be loaded by default. I used efibootmgr to rename the debian entry and it booted into grub straight away.

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Oh yeah, these guys have some crazy energy they give off. Their live performances are very much like this video, really. Not many bands give you a nunchaku solo.

Maybe try out Kingdoms of Amalur? I don't know if it's quite in the same spot for me, but it's pretty similar in a lot of ways.

Yeah, I've always found terms like "content" (and by extension "content creator") to be degrading and corporate-focused. It's weird to me that it's such a common way to refer to the work of artists and entertainers online. I don't do anything of the sort, but it's got to be rough being pushed so hard into chasing the algorithms to stay relevant.

I've yet to be disappointed in anything TWRP's put out.

I think you have to put them in your display name, alongside your actual display name.

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You can actually tell KDE to use a window manager other than KWin. I've used i3 with KDE like this in the past, and it's pretty good as long as you tweak the i3 config a bit. Somebody wrote a guide here with the necessary config changes.

Little disclaimer: I've not done this in years, but the linked guide was update recently so I believe it should still work ok.

Fedora didn't do anything to Libreoffice. Red Hat had been the maintainer for the Libreoffice packages in Fedora up until a couple of weeks ago. The package became an orphan, and without anyone to maintain it, would end up being dropped from the distribution. For the time being, it looks like some people from the community have stepped up to maintain Libreoffice in Fedora.

So unless something happens and the current maintainers are unable to keep up, nothing should happen to Libreoffice in Fedora.

Fedora devel list discussion

I've been using linux almost exclusively since somewhere around 2008 or so. The main thing is to ensure that you are still able to do what you want to do with your computer, regardless of the OS. You may have to seek out some alternatives to programs that you're currently using, but there's a pretty good chance that there's something available. Check out the available software on the Mint install you currently have, and check out protondb to see if the games you're interested in are compatible. I'd recommend creating a backup of your current system before you do anything just in case you need to revert back.

On a distro like Mint, I've never (or at least very rarely) run into any issues outside of NVIDIA drivers, and even that isn't too bad given that it's a slower-moving distro and Cinnamon isn't using Wayland anyway. I put Mint on my parents' computer since it ended up being easier for them than Windows was. That doesn't mean that you won't have any issues, but Mint is pretty easy to use, and they have a reasonably active forum for asking for help.

For what it's worth, Windows 11 is pretty lousy. You get ads shoved everywhere they can shove them, and their telemetry is pretty invasive, imo. That's not even mentioning their future plans where everyone gets pushed to their cloud services. If you have any questions, please ask and I'll answer as best I can.