2 Post – 73 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The line breaks haven't worked, here's it formatted correctly:

Explanation: it's mostly due to how js does type conversion.

For the Ls, it's:

  • [] is an empty array
  • ![] is treated as false
  • combining a boolean with the empty array returns "false" as a string (so true + [] = "true", false + [] = "false")
  • ! + [] is treated as true
  • ! + [] + ! + [] is treated as 2 since true + true = 1 + 1 = 2
  • so you have "false"[2], which is l

for the o it's:

  • [] is an empty array
  • [] + {} returns "[object Object]" as a string ({} + [] returns 0)
  • ![] is false
  • !![] is true
  • +!![] casts it to an integer
  • so that part is "[object Object]"[1], which returns "o"-

I've been using Kagi for two months and I'm loving it - the ability to control your results is amazing. Some things I do:

  • remove or downrate things like pinterest and w3schools from my results
  • rewrite* to*
  • rewrite to send some sources through or similar to break paywalls
  • rewrite to set the language of some sites that GeoIP my location but ignore my language headers

Also, having keyboard controls - like Google used to have - is so welcome, and their AI summarisation tools are actually useful too.

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Run an extra day or two, so everyone gets some weekend and week day? Between shift workers and countries with different weekends, Sat/Sun is still a workday for many.

Thursday-Monday feels good, perhaps with one of the modifications discussed here halfway through.

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These are all brilliant

I can only answer the first part: .jxl

I'm really glad they don't! There's so many ways to ask for a link to open in a new tab, but it's much harder to make links open in the same tab once target=_blank is set.

What's this easy fix then? Just a lower number? That will just mean more publishers.

AI detection tools don't work, and humans aren't much better, unless they're subject experts. How do we stop AI books?

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That's true, but one thing I liked about r/place was the evolution of designs - for example a massive flag would appear early on, be fought over and then the flag would shrink to a more defensible size and the rest of the flag became a different thing. The time lapse was fascinating because of this.

The culture here is more cooperative and less troll-y (trollful? trollesque?) so I'd hope/expect to see more collaborative solutions. I know once I'd helped place the fuck cars logo I threw my pixels into helping build unfinished designs or repair existing ones.

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Thanks for this, now I’m interested in all the other stats, like number of users per instance, %age of instance users per instance, # surviving pixels, %age pixels surviving, overall heatmap (esp. most fought over area), chart of cumulative placements over time, etc.

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Way less vandalism. I noticed the don't got erased on the "don't that on me" and I think that's now gone entirely, probably because it's now associated with Tea Partiers in the states.

They do seem almost too good to be true. I might use those for when I want lots of little, disposable servers (like regional game servers) but I'd be scared trusting critical stuff to them.

On the other hand, users seem to have rated them highly (not that I'd heard of that site before today either!).

Overall, definitely worth the risk at that price, thanks for the heads up.

He always mysteriously gets frail and feeble-minded when it's time for him to have to testify in court. Once that's over his memory magically returns to him and he goes back to his mafia don mode.

There was a hack in 2011 where The Sun's website claimed Murdoch was dead.

It's so rare that we get a new video, but it's always a special day when it happens.

The stupid thing is, all the author had to do was write "kind of tells you who invented ASCII" and he'd have been 100% right in his logic and history.

Oh, it definitely wouldn't be the same - five seconds with a history book could tell you that - it's just a question of how quickly we'd go savage πŸ˜…

I think the author's intended implication is absolutely that it's a dollar because the USA invented the computer. The two problems I have is that:

  1. He's talking about the American Standard Code for Information Interchange, not computers at that point
  2. Brits or Germans invented the computer (although I can't deny that most of today's commercial computers trace back to the US)

It's just a lazy bit of thinking in an otherwise excellent and internationally-minded article and so it stuck out to me too.

Reddit hardly came up with that thermometer-style fundraising display; it's older then the internet.

Interesting idea. That would perhaps wreck a lot of pixel art, but I guess it'd be fine scaled up to 2x2 pixels as you often see it like that anyway.

If that happens, it should be a surprise - would really throw a spanner in the works and make it a unique event. The more I think about this idea, the more I like it!

The article mentions that Hurd is also a recursive acronym, but doesn't go into any more details.

After looking it up on Wikipedia, I see why not:

It's time [to] explain the meaning of "Hurd". "Hurd" stands for "Hird of Unix-Replacing Daemons". And, then, "Hird" stands for "Hurd of Interfaces Representing Depth". We have here, to my knowledge, the first software to be named by a pair of mutually recursive acronyms.

Alan Schaaf created Imgur while he was at uni and he never worked for Reddit, but I believe it was made for Reddit primarily (Reddit didn't support uploading images until 2016).

Huh, I thought that bit sounded interesting but each to their own. I like card games in real life, but not having to deal with bothering to shuffle all the time is nice.

When I last used Debian, I found myself very annoyed with the lag in the package manager. This is a very long time ago (15 years?), so probably isn't the case any longer. However, due to laziness (or proactively avoiding a bikeshed rabbit hole) I didn't check and just chose Ubuntu over Debian the other day because of that.

This looks brilliant! I love how simple the sending API is.

It had occurred to me that I could do something like this, but I'm happy you did all the hard work for me (especially the always-on feature of the Android app).

I was going to say my notes are in Joplin, but my more honest answer is basically yours.

Thanks for this, now I'm interested in all the other stats, like number of users per instance, %age of instance users per instance, # surviving pixels, %age pixels surviving, overall heatmap (esp. most fought over area), chart of cumulative placements over time, etc.

Oh, I replied to the wrong thread but it works here too πŸ€“

You've just reminded me that ! exists.

I've been running OSMC (Kodi on Debian) plus a few useful things like maintaining a reverse SSH connection to a VPS.

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As others have answered your main question, I'll just point out that on Firefox you can search through your open tabs by adding % before your search. I imagine the other browsers have a similar feature.

I plan to switch over later when it makes sense to - the nice thing about Backblaze is that it scales with your storage, whereas with Hetzner you have to jump from 1 TB to 5 TB.

I love Mermaid, although I don't think you can currently do network diagrams. I've seen Kroki recommended here for doing that, which supports Mermaid plus many similar markup-based diagrammers.

[Edit: added link and more info]

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Yeah, the original thin clients were basically useless without the server they connected to, but nowadays even computers the size of a stick of gum are plenty powerful enough for consuming webpages and videos.

You still need peripherals like mouse, keyboard and screen but you might get them as part of the package (sounds like you already have them though).

In your post’s text body, you must include the reason β€œWhy YSK:”

You haven't fixed it, btw

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Looks good πŸ‘ (Let's ignore rule 4 πŸ˜‰)

Oh yeah, I'm just saying that j/k is pretty widely used.

Also, I think it's more comfortable because they're on the home row whereas the cursor keys aren't. Configurability is always good though.

And no upvotes, because it's obviously a stupid, unworkable idea.

What are your new predictions, oh time wizard?

I always think this joke is more of a linguistics/grammar joke than programming. The kid resolves the ambiguity in the ellipsis incorrectly, but why is this a programmer joke?

Saving images as webp gives massive savings, and I think everyone can view them nowadays.

Posts and comments have a canonical URL (i.e. the original submission's URL that's linked to via the Fediverse pentagram), so that can be used as a foreign key when comparing.

I think identify claiming would need to have been designed into the original spec with something like a public/private key for account ownership to allow moving of related data in a safe way, or e.g. editing a post from a different instance than originally posted it.

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Yeah, I wasn't arguing, just thinking out loud too. I think the whole decentralised aspect of the fediverse means that ownership has to have a cryptographic answer because there's no central source of truth that everyone can agree on.

I think moving accounts is a little easier than you think, apart from who gets to say that something should move. It'd be better to have a "pull" than something like the "push" solution that currently exists on Mastodon - there you can forward an account to a new place, as long as the old instance exists and cooperates (big ifs).

I'm mostly thinking about moving accounts (+ communities) in the case of when an instance suddenly vanishes.