0 Post – 52 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

For me, it makes so much sense. Likes and dislikes, besides serving as a means of sorting posts and comments, also serve as a shortcut for leaving a comment saying, "This^" or "I disagree."

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Now we know who are the people stalling the liftoff of the bean's meme to the stratosphere.

I really like this bot.

Yes, it's so cringe. Honestly, he is like a child. Especially that this is all done publicly.

That's just beautiful

Do you know that political systems are a spectrum and hard socialism or communism are not eh only alternatives to rampant capitalism? Have you heard of Scandinavian countries like Sweden or Norway? If not, I strongly recommend reading about their political systems.

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I use Arch btw

Laughs in Nestle.

I like the sentiment but I don't like this type of propaganda, no matter how despicable people that fly these flags are.

I don't agree with spreading misinformation even if the goal seem to justify the means.

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Just wanted to comment to appreciate the effort and the quality content that Lemmy now provides. Thank you for your work, sir.

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I thought that they were being a bit dramatic with the usage of "horror injuries"... I changed my minde after reading the article.

Absolutely devastating to her and the family and friends.

The problem is that there are even ingorant women that hate feminism.

Well, I disagree. Redditsms, or whatever you call them, among other things helped to make reddit as popular as it is (was) right now.

I get you don't like it personally, but your personal opinion about them being cringe, while respectable, is not a fact.

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Oh, thank you random person on the internet for that confident statement.

That's because they had to put the Elon's Twitter sign. Which is why I am not big fan of this kind of old school satire. It's a little on the nose Everything has to have signs, subtitles and arrows so even the dumbest people can understand them. While I understand the need for that, it makes the jokes fall flat for me.

I hope you are not being sarcastic. It is exciting to find people that don't know about this. And I am totally serious because this is such a cool discovery. While we knew for long time that birds are dinosaurs, seeing the latter with feathers makes today's chicken looking even more majestic.

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Problem: ...

Response: Obliterate one of the most established logos and a verb "to tweet"

Shout out to bronies for starting us out!

Shots been fired.

Btw, if this is an original comment this has to be one of the funnier if not the funniest comment I saw in Lemmy so far. Well done sir/lady!

Good human.

Well, I found this on All with Top Today sorting. So I am asking where is the poo?!

Brilliant stuff. The only thing I don't like are the QR codes.

Is tha Vim logo at the bottom?

Precisely, karma whoring was already rampant and detestable.

Is there a community for "suicided by words"?

I respect your right to be wrong about the bean meme.

I am not replacing it.

I have already done it few weeks ago.

With the 3 day poop challenge and this I am glad to see the birth of Fecalverse!

Exactly, even if people wanted to not everyone can afford to arrive all sweaty or wet carrying a giant backpack.

Why so angry and hateful?

Their foot

At least 512 or exactly 513 casue I don't know whether to upvote or downvote.

Sometimes they do, sometimes (most times probably) they don't. However they don't work 100% of the time if attempts are never made.

That's not enough. Gimme a hundred!

People might also ask you to provide further justification of your comment. In both cases you can either engage in a civil manner, tell them to eat a bag of dicks or just ingore.

I think commenting or even voting counts as participating. In my view, lurking means 0% participation.


You've bean warned...

I feel for the illiterate minorty of Americans (according to another post) that will be limited to counting to lower numbers than 10.

And on the left, dear children, we can see a species of an Iberic racist

You are laughing. But with these hot summers I actually miss some of that artic wind. But more importantly I have a heavy hayfever and being in the closed office durning the summer was a relief. It all went considerably worse when I started working from home.