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GitHub has bad UX for people who just wanna download and use the programs

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Imo they aren't even trying, because it's not that hard to make it better. Doesn't even have to be a compromise. Most people just need a visible download button for the programs, that's all.

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Takes time to unsuck

Gooby pls

I would use Soulseek for that

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Wholesome.. long as it's not some right wing esoteric COVID denier bullshit :D

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– written by a 50 year old dude from his couch ;)

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Do most people who use Excel also make art with it? Because sometimes devs also just download exe files on GitHub :D

They don't just always copy code from there.

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Not for everyone it seems. I didn't have to enter it when I first registered. Living in Germany btw and I did it at the start of the chatgpt hype.

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Tbh I wouldn't mind my kids looking at their phones.. what does it matter if the games they play are analog or digital? I'm talking about the sitting in the restaurant kind of situation, where kids usually draw, read or do other stuff to entertain themselves.

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Do people generally try to circumvent it? Are they too scared to uninstall it? Or do they just not care?

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So you never downloaded a program on GitHub?

No one everever said you need to compromise its focus on developers. There is no compromise to be made. It's just a stupid button. Stop arguing lol.

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I'm cis het boi, but I really like the colors of the lesbian flag

Yes, sharks do have ears, but they are quite different from human ears. Shark ears are not visible on the outside of their bodies like human ears; instead, they are internal structures.

Shark ears consist of two small openings located behind their eyes. These openings are called "spiracles." Spiracles serve primarily for water circulation over the gills, allowing some species of sharks to breathe even when they are resting on the ocean floor. While spiracles are not dedicated to hearing, they can pick up vibrations in the water, which helps sharks detect sounds and movements in their environment.

Sharks have a highly developed sense of hearing, and they can detect sounds and vibrations in the water, which is essential for their survival and hunting. They use their keen sense of hearing to locate prey, communicate with other sharks, and navigate their underwater surroundings.

(Brought to you by your favorite AI place in town)

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People don't understand sometimes how much of a tech-ethusiast bubble we got going on here

Or just use the cracked versions if you have android

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Their motivation might be to get the kids hooked on the stuff early on. Sugar works like a drug in some ways by releasing dopamine in the brain and if you train your brain early on it will affect it longterm. Plus it will influence their future taste preferences. Everything else, besides Nestle's oversugared snacks will taste bland in comparison. Leading to kids crying at supermarket checkouts to get their favourite snacks :D

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The new normal. You're lucky if an actual person reads your application nowadays.

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Why? Useful for safety and security of the society?

Edit: Why downvotes? I'm trying to put myself in their shoes, it's not how I view it lol

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I dunno but many said 'stray' was good, but it's defo also a walking sim in some ways

What was the issue? Do you know?

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It's probably a joke as old as the word addiction itself

I mean OpenAI used to be opensource with older models or?

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Yeah but if your kids are young they see you every day, so.. it's different if you don't see each other often.

And my example was more meant for people who argue that they are fine with kids drawing when you're out for food (which most younger kids do), but are annoyed when they use a phone to play.

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practice falling

I'm not a skater, but I do parkour and I really can't stress this enough.

If you know how to fall it takes away your fear, because you know how to act when it happens. And pro skaters are damn good at falling, even from a parkour perspective.

It's part of the fun, to get rid of the bronies on the canvas.

The oldest building in/around Vienna is believed to be the Roman stone quarry in Leithaprodersdorf. It dates back to the Roman era, around 43 AD.

The oldest continuously inhabited building in Vienna is generally considered to be the Griechenbeisl, a historic restaurant located in the Innere Stadt district. It has been in operation since the 15th century.

I can't see myself having that problem if you truly love someone. It's part of the fun to pleasure the other person and enjoy the small things as much. No pun intended.

We need someone to stop this again

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traumatic christian childhood experience

With this site I feel it's like.. aren't these problems everyone suffers from? Or am I just projecting my potential fear of having a condition 😅

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It doesn't have to be a compromise imo. Most people just need a visible download button on the front pages. Wouldn't hurt devs at all. I mean, even devs sometimes struggle with this lol.

I remember sth about german students from US colleges having to head back over Visa struggles when Trump was in power

You can wash them off, don't worry

Absolutist claims about universal truths aren't always driven by personal agendas. In mathematics or some scientific fields, certain truths are universally accepted based on evidence and testing. These truths aren't necessarily rooted in personal biases but rather in the pursuit of understanding the world objectively. So while one has to be careful, not all claims of universal truth or objectivism stem from an agenda.