Helping others vs. helping yourself to ADHD – 1010 points –

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With this site I feel it's like.. aren't these problems everyone suffers from? Or am I just projecting my potential fear of having a condition 😅

As has been said previously to this question: most people likely have issues like this from time to time, what makes it problematic is having them almost constantly and to such a degree that it's crippling.

Everyone coughs from time to time, but if you have a chronic cough that's so bad that you cough up blood every time, that's not normal and you need to see a doctor.

Kinda. One post I like to quote is the one that says that everybody pees too, but if you do it 30 times in an hour you need a doctor. ADHD is relatable to everyone because everybody deals with our problems to some extent, just in much more manageable doses.

The thing that separates a disorder from a normal issue is the magnitude and/or frequency of occurrence. E.G. most people that currently have a uterus will get cramps on their period, but if they're actively in pain instead of just uncomfortable something is probably wrong

Yeah that kinda makes me worried about myself tho lol

Well if you have cramps that are painful go see a doctor. If you are talking about having ADHD, just go with the flow and enjoy the memes. If you can connect with them then do so. If after a while you feel like you relate too much you can look up more about the condition and get an assessment.

Nonetheless, just vibe and enjoy the memes.

That is a bad example because many women are actively in pain with cramps and have seen a doctor about it but have been told they're just unlucky.

...You can have doctors saying that you‘re just lazy or it‘s something totally different if you bring up ADHD. It‘s exactly why I used that analogy.

If everyone had this particular issue the world would be very different I think.

Just pondering on my own misery, cause I can relate is all. Wasn't trying to put OP down for feeling it. I'll try to be more careful with the wording next time thx

Oh, I didn't share this to say that I'm going to ban you. I just thought that this post would answer your question. I made a lot of comments today and I was too tired to bother with explaining things.

I figure I have ADHD or some flavour. Mentioned it to my family, my sister went "huh" and got diagnosed.
Im still waiting