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Joined 1 years ago


Based reaction

This is a huge thing I didn't know about. Lemmy really needs to show the full number. I'm on .world and even here everything seems really niche and small. It hurts perception hugely

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Bro hasn't used windows 11 recently i see.

I literally get daily ads from the Microsoft store. I HAVE TOAST MESSAGES DISABLED

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Don't let perfect be the enemy of good

Please do it. It will die so fast

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Fuck YT, but bad meme. YouTube has never been profitable

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Tried to switch to signal. But it's useless without everyone i know switching over from Whatsapp. Which is like merged with our country at this point.

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Because it's not true for the browser itself?

So whats the reason they aren't immediately put in handcuffs? This shit wouldn't fly in Germany

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User experience Newpipe is absolute trash

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He means Linux problem as in: not enough players to justify supporting it, while those low amount of players also account for like 70% of the bug reports

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Dude I already know you smell

Bot moment

I fucking hate this place

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Does this mean anything for me as a consumer?

It's not really a group. More of a full commercial organization

nobody gives a shit dude. go to a church or something

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They literally said he helped them great and they were satisfied bruh

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Clearly you don't own an airfryer

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Nazi detected

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No its not ffs

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Some of those are not the same

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Your assumption is based and factual

How about.. both?


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That is a horrible argument.

Just get a non shit induction stove

Destiny has been destroyed by Bungie long before him ngl

Sadly yes

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The Hydrogen tank for the Toyota Mirai literally has a replacement date of 10 years. And that's not a maybe, it has to be replaced for safety reasons.

Modern Batteries last 10 years easy. Even the abused leaf ones with no thermal management last fine. It will not be any issue

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How do you find out if they defederated from instances?

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Its literally the same meat, but guaranteed no parasites and shit.

Not yet

Agreed. It's tiring watching social media or going to YouTube. Everything is just made to make you angry or annoyed.

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Who gives a shit lmao

What a shit link. Have to go through like 3 redirects

I wish i was this optimistic. Half these countries are right af lol

I only go back for the porn and if I need IT based answers. It's unmatched sadly

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Or just.. live closer together. You don't see Europeans fly from Germany to the other side just for a few family days

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