1 Post – 78 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The admins stated on Mastodon that they're not going to defederate until something happens. Knowing Meta they shouldn't give them the chance.

Here's the link:

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I don't know if it's just me, but I'm barely using reddit/twitter and now I spend most of my online time on Lemmy/Mastodon.

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The problem with Meta is that they will harm the Fediverse.

I found this article interesting, written by a dev who worked with google during the XMPP EEE and was originally a XMPP dev, thinking that a big company could only mean more success for the FOSS alternative. He was wrong.

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And the only blocked instance is full of pedos and nazis, so kudos for!

I don't get all the "wait and see". We already know how Meta and Zuck works, why giving them the chance?

Fuck zuck and fuck spez.

I'm shocked by this post. And looking for a new instance.

I wanted an instance that doesn't defederate based on ideology (except fascist instances) and of a generalist nature. I want to browse the wide fediverse from an instance where I'm allowed to be a socialist, but clearly is not the one for me.

Any recommendations?

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So preemptively defederating from Meta (literally Evil Corp, that backed genocide and fascism) is not okey, but doing the same with communists is.

I'm starting to get a feel of what Lemmy World really is.

I'm replacing Reddit with Lenin!! Long live the Working Class!

The admin is the same person, so is expected that they apply the same policy for both instances.

You may find confusing how there could be at the same communities (subreddits) with the same name in different instances. You can use the Lemmy Community Browser to find communities easily among different instances.

You're posts are visible from other Fediverse sites, like Mastodon or Kbin and you can interact with their users.

An user or an instance can block users or instances. If you have an account on and the instance admins blocks another instance you won't be able to see the posts or comments made from their users.

Is there anything in particular that you want to know?

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Not only murder, also torture.

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How would they kill it? I'm all for blocking them, but I'm not sure how could they kill Mastodon or other activitypub apps.

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I noticed the same thing on Mastodon. The new users per day ratio is slowing, but each time Elon does his thing there's a new wave.

I'm not installing that crap and therefor I'm not browsing Reddit from my phone.

I'm also not browsing reddit from my desktop as I spend most of my time online on the Fediverse now. Lemmy and Mastodon are great!


It's not about the data they can collect. As long as we don't use the Meta app or register in their instance we're on the clear. The problem is giving them power.

I'm not an evil genius shithead like Zuck, but it could go this way:

  1. They enter the Fediverse as the biggest instance.
  2. They artificially slow down connections with other instances. That way, lots of users from smaller intances will migrate to the Meta one. Only the ones concerned about our privacy will remain in independent instances.
  3. Once most of the userbase of the Fediverse is on their instance, they keep slowing it, or adding "features" only available in their app, effectively building a wall between them and the rest of instances.
  4. Finally they defederate, leaving the rest of the fediverse weaker than it was.


There are some key thoughts in this article.

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I painted an Andalusian flag that made it to the end! It's top-right of the X|V logo.

Viva Andalucía libre y viva Lemmy!

I'm using Fedora and I'm really happy with it. Pretty solid distro,

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A way to shorten Communities is to call them Commies!

Are you Spanish? In Spain local languages were forbidden during Franco dictatorship.

Boost for Reddit is still working.

Zoom with my eyes! I love birding, having prismatic eyes would be neat.

I'm not in a hurry to migrate, as Threads doesn't support federation yet, but is not a bad idea to keep an eye on other instances.

I've read that some people have problems, but I used to dual boot (now I keep each os in a separate hard drive) without issues. Is a really straight forward process but if you get issues the online community is amazing and there are tons of docs (and reddit threads, some of them are deleted now or moved to Lemmy).

Linux is great! I started dual booting windows and Linux Mint, tried a lot of distros (this is called distro hopping) all Ubuntu based while using primarily Windows. After a while I got tired with windows and felt more comfortable with Linux, so I wiped Windows and installed Fedora Workstation (there's a community for ASUS gaming laptops that have a guide for Fedora).

If you just want to get a feel of Linux, you can also run it in a Virtual Box, setting it to full screen makes you feel like you are using Linux, but obviously that comes with limitations.

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I'm registered in and you appear to me as DannySpud and nothing else. If I click in your profile I can see that you're However I see the full username for other lemmy users (from different instances)

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Mosquitoes aren't attracted to light. You're only killing moths and other insects with that, maybe some mosquito but not all.

Things that actually attracts mosquitoes:

-Standing Water.

-Carbon Dioxide.

-Strong Fragrances.

-Overgrown Vegetation.

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I kept having troubles with Windows 11 and I was also fed up with all the Microsoft crap and how they push they're Cortana, Edge or other bullshit.

Switching has been amazing. Yes, also confusng at first, but you'll learn a lot and rn I'm happier than ever with my machine.

I'm running Fedora Workstation.

I'm using Jerboa, Connect and Summit. I really like Jerboa, but rn is buggy as is still at 0.17.4 while Jerboa only support 0.18. I'm still trying out Summit and Connect, only time will say!

No matter what I set, all my posts are old

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I'm not sure, is part of the fediverse so we can interact (in the same way that mastodon users can read and reply to lemmy posts), but it's a different project with different code. Communities are called Magazines there, and there's also a microblogging functionality. I've lurked a bit, but I won't create an account if I can use this one.

It also appears to not be fully federated or something.

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Fedora Workstation.

This is the way

I thought this was an illustration! Amazing work.

Yes, I totally agree with you.

My fear is that some people is advocating for defederating the instances that doesn't defederate Meta. In my opinion that would be awful for the health of the Fediverse, as it'll be even more scattered.

I use Nova launcher (free edition) and is great, tons of customization!

Hopefully is not an army of bots, but for me that's the most plausible explanation.

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I love it!! It looks like an underwater pic, or from an alien world.

For Spanish news and

For Andalusian news