Twitter’s traffic is taking a dive, according to Cloudflare’s CEO. - The Verge to – 660 points –
Twitter’s traffic is taking a dive, according to Cloudflare’s CEO. - The Verge

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I don't know if it's just me, but I'm barely using reddit/twitter and now I spend most of my online time on Lemmy/Mastodon.

Same here but i'm afraid we're not really in the majority.

We never will - we live in the TikTok generation

ugh don't remind me.. i get your point but i still wish for the Fediverse to become more accessible

btw there is a Tiktok clone for the fediverse called Goldfish, although i haven't tried it lol

also, nice username

Its entirely possible tiktok will be banned by the feds here in the US sooner or later which will most likely nuke a large chunk of anglosphere content. So we may see a shift away from it sooner or later.

That's fine. The user base doesn't need to be in the nine or ten figures to have a community that has decent activity. Even with the thousands activity has been impressive, and that's with all this fragmentation across instances too.

The fragmentation doesn't really matter though, as we can all read and participate in the same threads :)

Yeah, I'm feeling this is more on Meta having excelent timing with Threads unfortunately

Rather than excellent timing, I would bet that Meta saw the writing on the wall the moment Twitter started doing cuestionable things under Elon. I don’t think they would’ve launched Threads to compete against pre-Elon Twitter.

Also, albeit small in overall users, there’s been a constant exodus of users ever since Elon took over, so they are trying to capitalize on that.

No social network dies over night, but with Threads racing to become the mainstream text-based social media, Twitter will be slowly becoming irrelevant, until it dies.

Edit: Grammar

I was curious about this. Turns out meta started talking about a Twitter competitor app in November, and started developing it in January.

Threads is a direct response to Musk buying Twitter.

It doesn't take much to panic these idiots. Even a 10% drop means someone has to answer for it

+1 to this. I've had way more insightful conversations on the Fediverse—with less followers/recognition/brand—than on any centralized platform.

Love the discourse. Makes me think, allows me to learn, consider new perspectives, etc.