0 Post – 67 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

"new privacy feature" and then "sites you visit can determine what you like"

translated: "this new privacy feature reduces the amount privacy you have!!! what a great thing you like!!!"

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aye aye sir, to the upvote machine!

Someone tell me how to feel! Do I hate this or like this!?

edit: I have been told to like this, and thus... I do.

Disclaimer: please ignore my negative initial vote score, as I have the privilege of being bot-downvoted by CCP sympathizers because of comments on this post, there is also the possibility that I’m just an asshole.

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come back in 10 years for the starting comment of your video documenting the long term villain arc of

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? Who? China?

edit: yooo, i just got bot downvoted by 16 on almost all my posts/comments, China mad.

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lol it's no worries. actually I have the privilege of being bot-downvoted by CCP sympathizers because of comments on this post, there is also the possibility that I’m just an asshole.

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I agree with you kind soul. Some days this place seems like a toxic cesspool. You better not have a viewpoint that is even barely contrary to the this general populace's.

didn't think about it like that! i feel loved :)

See WarmSoda!? This is why I shouldn't have stopped. People ask this question, your advice was wrong! I'm going to continue what I was doing before you called me stupid.

edit: The link points to which is intermittently getting DDOS'ed.

Please ignore my negative initial vote score, as I have the privilege of being bot-downvoted by CCP sympathizers because of comments on this post, there is also the possibility that I’m just an asshole.

Great! Now I can more reliably realize how shit it is!

I think they call it “due process”.

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went from like +300 fake points to -600. hurt worse than it should :’)

edit: it’s still ongoing, every post now starts with a net -7 vote, i think i’ll start adding a disclaimer on all my new comments lol

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The idea behind social security is a forced time phased retirement program. The cap for input of money serves to cap the withdrawal later in years. If the wealthy put in a significantly larger amount while working they will be entitled to a proportionally larger about of withdrawal later. We’re just robbing peter to pay paul here and kicking the issue down the road.

A real solution would be to produce a margin that is invested in a total market fund that would eventually create self sustaining returns to both: pay out current withdrawals as well as grow to match inflation and population growth. But that’s not going to happen.

TLDR: The ponzi scheme will continue.

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This is primarily where the moral argument and thus division appear. Is it fair to ask a person to pay more than their share? I would argue no, it seems a majority here would argue yes. I'm ok with being wrong and learning, but I have a hard time shifting what I believe to be moral foundations.

edit: I appreciate you revisiting your statement and it makes a lot of sense. Something I'll be thinking about a lot more.

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That is awesome! Looking forward to the reviews I hope this game delivers everything promised!

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Is there a higher quality version perchance?

edit: i now realize that my browser is doing some weird anti-aliasing

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Watch this. I'm a republican.

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i vs L strikes again

i keep playing BF 2042 when i’m not sure what to play

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holy cow thanks for sharing this! on my wishlist now!

We have to be especially careful with people with significant resources. Any small mistakes caused by moving quickly can be leveraged for less consequences do to technicalities. In these cases, being reactionary is a detriment.

Indeed, and many are allowed to go about their lives while awaiting trial.

I love this thread! It shall be saved.

Our conversation on a different post made me check your post history. And now this post has me considering canceling Amazon Prime. Ripple effects are weird.

honestly i’ve started to realize that startups are the modern day robin hood. they take and burn money from VCs and turn them into very low cost services. then they try to turn a profit and everyone runs away to the next new startup that is there to “disrupt the competition” but in reality is just the same company in a younger phase.

fucking lol

Please bring the 4-day workweek, life will be so much better.

Please ignore my negative initial vote score, as I have the privilege of being bot-downvoted by CCP sympathizers because of comments on this post, there is also the possibility that I’m just an asshole.

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... so... where dat vid though? my wife wants.

what? all i see is an X? i must be too pure hearted compared to all you deviants.

I agree, seeing Gollum start his journey across space to start a completely different game would be quite an improvement.

Found in Table B-30 in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

  • Race
  • Color
  • Religion
  • Retaliation (a.k.a. reprisal)
  • Sex/Gender (gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy)
  • National origin (not nationality)
  • Equal pay and compensation
  • Age (over 40)
  • Disability (physical or mental)
  • Genetic Information

Yeah we have guidance to not discriminate and hire based on national origin. It's better to look at the whole group of people we've hired and realize that there are a small number of people that do this. Still, I have conflicted feelings, and I'm trying my best to beat my biases. This is really the cost of moral actions, and it's worth it.

that's really interesting.

I ran into an issue similar to this while hosting my server. Turns out there is a ”feature“ (seems bugged) on my ASUS router called “DDOS Protection” that mistook inbound lemmy traffic as attacks and just dropped them instead of forwarding them. Once that was disabled everything worked like normal. Maybe be worth trying.

Be ready to use other methods to deal with DDOS though.

This looks awesome. How are the switches and keys? Does anyone have experience with these brands?

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i just installed debian in an old laptop and paid google for a domain for $1 a month ($12/year).

doing it primarily because it seems like a cool thing to mess with and i’ve already learned cool things like DDNS and how to establish free https certificates via “let’s encrypt”. it’s pretty enlightening.

That very last sentence made me spit out my coffee. Take an upvote.

#2. I like #2.

just want to point out that a majority of they regular names are already taken, that’s one of the primary reasons why new TLDs are such a blessing


it says mid-may, has the france stuff been going on for 1.5 months?

i remember playing this as a kid on my family’s comp. the little stair* guys were great