1 Post – 273 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

My son picked up a refurbished Ipad mini that we were going to use as a screen for our quadcopters. Well, you can't load any software on it so it's just a worthless piece of shit. Way to go apple.

I just got an email about a new power supply board for the rpi5 - PD Power Extension Board for Raspberry Pi 5. It's on their pihut website and is $20. Has multiple input types.

Same. My unplayed list of games is what I plan on doing when I retire. When I can sit down and concentrate on something without someone pinging me on teams...

I wonder how many of these lawmakers will be invested in the company that swoops in and saves the American public?

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Last line of the article: "Just like choosing not to ride on airplanes isn’t really an option, for many, using social media isn’t much of a choice either."

Holy crap. We have reached that point. As someone with no social media, it just amazes me how people have let these apps become ingrained in their lives. Sad in my opinion.

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Do people actually want this?

Nope. Just like those stupid hard coded buttons on my Roku remote that I have never used.

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Those pixel stealing whores!

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I am no religious expert, but going by what I remember from church, Jesus was sent here for all of us, so wouldn't that make the Virgin Mary basically a surrogate?

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I tell you what, catch your tallywacker in a zipper just once and it will break you of this. Happened to me about 4 years old, and I vividly remember my dad having to yank the zipper back down. NEVER AGAIN.

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So far, the Reddit contributor program is limited to users in the United States (to start, at least) who are over the age of 18 and can verify their identity via Persona and Stripe.

Guys, here's the real reason. So they can positively identify you. Evidently this is how much that knowledge is worth. They can probably then start selling your posted data to other companies that have also "verified" you via Persona and Stripe. Once those datasets start getting linked together, well I will let your imagination run with that.

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We that's some shit. I often use that to get info off of pages that I won't be clicking on normally.

FTA - “The reason this matters is that no-fault divorce legally allows marriages to end much more quickly than in previous decades. When there are relatively few legal or financial consequences connected with divorce, it’s natural for people to gravitate toward that option when their marriage hits a rough patch,” he adds. “What those people often don’t consider, however, is the harm — both present and future — inflicted on their children once a divorce is finalized.”

This dude is a moron. Newsflash mr carson, having kids trapped in a nightmare where their parents are at war with one another is way more harmful. And what the fuck is he talking about "with few financial consequences"? As someone who just finally paid off credit cards from my divorce years ago, where I never even got to touch the card, he can kiss my ass.

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Depends. Everyone claims they are on social media platforms to stay in touch with family and friends. I know no one on here and am fine with the anonymity. So it's up to you if you count this.

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I swear I read a thread here (on lemmy) recently that one of these subtitle sites was embedding ads in the subtitles. Now that takes things even further than scummier in my opinion, especially since subtitles are for availability.

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Not sure when anyone ever thought IBM cared about employees, except maybe 40-50 years ago. They have been steadily fucking people over. I wouldn't shed a single tear if that company went out of business.

I mean isn't Nickelback Candian? But my 10K left of Parent Plus Student loans.. Well fuck me evidently...

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I really hope the FAA pulls his license over this shit. His daddy owns the helicopter so this is just some entitled asshole, who I hope gets to sit in traffic with the rest of us soon.

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Not sure what you are talking about. I have the freedom to not sign some dumbass agreement with tesla and not purchase a shitty looking cyber truck, and I will use that very freedom. No one is being forced to take this deal.

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"If it were not for football, I would not be playing football today..." - H. Butker

Did some LLM put together minor and report and decide it was a minority report?

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I think this goes deeper than just actors compensation. This will take things to a new level when this hits courtrooms. Imagine sitting there watching a video of you doing something you never actually did entered into evidence.

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They seem to be getting a pass on using copyrighted materials to feed these programs so I am doubting that we would get legislation protecting our own likenesses, or those of our loved ones. I bet you couldn't even get lawmakers to understand what they would need to write into law. They (american lawmakers) all seem to be so up to speed on technology. /s

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Don't forget our big three are just chomping at the bit to get in on the subscription model. Oh, you want 'good' brakes, well that's $19.99/month. And there's no 'secrets' to the chinese cars, I am willing to bet that they are just selling them at a loss. It's not like they have to report real earnings to anyone.

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Hey Jean, word on the streets is that he absolutely detests the fact that I don't own a 2005-06 Ford GT.

I would watch that show.

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And ancestry dot com. That one still chaps my ass. My mom spent so much time in there adding in her work, and they just fucking locked it one day behind a paywall. Fuck these sites that just take the users hard work and then try and profit off it without announcing that from the get go.

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Would you like to play a game...

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I mean, what else do you use for entertainment in AIX.

I once accidentally deleted all of our production portal apps in AIX. That was entertaining...

Fractions work with metric too you know.

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I use awk constantly at work. Very useful in my opinion, and really powerful if you dig into it.

Please don't! That's what made reddit such a shithole in my opinion.

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Linux in hardcore mode.

That's exactly how I ended up with a steam account. Bought a Civ V cd and the game isn't on the cd, just an installer for steam and a key.

Senate sex tape - Now there's three words I never wanted to hear in that particular order...

Or a beer... As long as it's Lite Beer!

Most of this would probably be handled by the regular unix permissions and things like sudo access for commands that are needed. You can specify exactly what commands people can run using sudo. You can also make groups so that you can have people that can run certain commands in those groups. As far as default permissions to run files, that would be handled by your path and execute permissions. Same with umask settings. I worked at a large company and to my delight and a lot of windows users dismay, they forced us to have linux laptops for our particular jobs. I loved it, but a lot of people just weren't happy. I found that I could do everything much easier when I had native tools for working with other unix based machines right there on my desktop.

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Mid 80's Bronco. My ex insisted that she had to have a bronco. It had a 302 in it, but holy hell. I am sure it was the fact that they were still trying out emissions schemes but I bet it had less than a hundred hp. It would barely move out of it's own way, and if you got about 6mpg you considered yourself lucky. Toss in an oil leak and it was like driving the Exxon Valdez. I can't decide if the best day of my life was getting rid of the bronco, or her....

Narrator: Both....

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Yup, the exact thing OP is complaining about is exactly why I prefer to use Linux.

How about when you have to update your machine and it goes through the "setup" which is just disguised ads for services like microsoft 365? That's pretty annoying.

Feel free to complain. I love my steam deck, but this case wasn't free. We all paid for one, we just didn't have the ability to opt out. And yeah, strange design for something they put so much effort into.

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