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Joined 1 years ago

Friendly reminder to vote for Biden this election. It's more important now than ever.

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As a second generation Latino I believe it has to do with assimilation. Most of my family works in construction in some way (including myself) and they're usually uneducated and easily manipulated. It's no surprise the right targets blue collar workers and bombards them with anti-social program rhetoric about "your tax dollars being used to fund the lazy" bullshit. Also, and I hate to say this, blacks and Latinos didn't mix historically. The BLM stuff moved a lot of minorities (Asians and others) away from the left and I'm still embarrassed by it - another example being that Latinos and whites get along in California jails and don't associate with blacks. Shits fucking retarded.

I can apply one of my favorite quotes to this situation: "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." - LBJ... but instead use brown instead of white 🤣

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As a gun enthusiast, get the fuck away from me.

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Ok I know this bitch should die but this judge should do at least three months in a level two for this fit.

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I fucking hate this take. It's so middle school edgy it cuts my cringe receptors into pieces.

I get what you guys are trying to say but most people aren't stealing to feed their babies or provide them with diapers. Most of the people are stealing so they can sell it on the streets. Where WIC and welfare can't help pay for it.

I swear, have any of you been poor ever?

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American here, what does it mean to recognize a class of indigenous people in Australia?

Because we have a very different understanding of the word lol

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I'm new to lemmy. What's a home instance?

Sync is making it so I don't need to think think hard. Makes head go ouchie.

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Damn nigga it was just a meme

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I understand that it bothers you when he asks but maybe it's because you feel obligated to get up and go?

Have you tried not doing that? Seriously, tell that dude to tell you what it is or ignore him until he comes to you. You're the master of your brain, big dawg. Don't stress 🙏

Other triple A devs have massive funding, a giant staff and other unlimited resources and they still can't make a game devoid of microtransactions or bugs. Are you stunned?

Hey it's big assed letter name guy!

Please, for the love of God; if it's a state where Biden is guaranteed, then vote third party or whatever alternative dumbass you want. If it's a swing state, it's your god damned duty to vote for Biden. I don't like the AID he's providing Israel but he's not dropping the fucking bombs.

We don't need to spit in the face of our constitution to prove a point. We don't need to tank the work he's done getting the country back on track so you can feel morally superior. We don't need another bad year of COVID just because your friends are saying "Biden bad". Your friends are retarded and so are you.

Normally I don't give a shit what you liberal idiots do but this is seriously going to affect us in the real world. It's not your reddit and lemmy echo chambers out here so please tighten the fuck up.

Or tell us of a viable, alternative candidate with over a 90% chance of winning. Oh you don't have one? Then please shut the fuck up and vote Biden.

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This is absolutely precious lol

I wish you and your wife unlimited happiness 🥰

Holy hell the entirety of Lemmy just exposed themselves as retarded jobless people.

Six lobe, or torx, is fucking awesome when screwing in serious screws. It's the reason why it replaced all philips and most hex heads.

Slotted screws are the fucking worst. You guys have never worked a blue collar job in your lives 🤣😂😭

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Much thanks. Me smart!

I'll leave a few examples of what I mean but growing up in the 90's, it was cool to be racist against blacks. My family was no exception and it was expected of us to not get along. This wasn't an isolated incident as the whole world of "pick-me-minorites" (including other black people) was growing. The system made us enemies and with it came a culture of acceptable racism. So it's no surprise that these older generations still harbored some misguided hatred when the BLM protests/riots happened. My family, as much as I love them, are completely stupid and immature when it comes to racial issues. My own sweet mother is afraid of black people and is oftentimes on the giving end of some wild racist quotes. But her uncle was killed by a black man over a pair of shoes so I guess it's "justified?" Obviously not.

So it could be a case of underlying racism that pushed them over the edge. The BLM movement was viewed negatively and as "typical behavior and patterns of violence of their kind" even though the overwhelming majority was peaceful. So it pushed the center to the right the right even further.

Anyways, here's some links to the turmoil - not necessarily a direct link to my original claim but I guess you have to make the connection. The left media won't (I sound so far-right right now 🤣)




Well said, Mr. Nutsack.

I just heard about this today wth!?

Don't listen to this guy, OP. Divorce, keep the pets, key her car and start watching battle bots.

Thank me later... >!freaking /s obviously!<

Been there before, buddy. I'm proud of you for making the first steps.

Quick tip: you're not supposed to feel pain during the actual procedure. I have what the dentists call "long nerves" and had a brief moment of blinding pain but I spoke up and they juiced me more. No more pain 🙏

My favorite quote from Thomas Jefferson concerning the 2nd amendment: "You know I got that thang on me. Pull up"

10000% this

A-fucking-men, brother!

You know, I made the comment and seconds later I noticed my blunder. But I refused to edit or delete it because I'm standing on bidness.

I don't wanna sound insensitive but being unprepared killed a couple of Texans during that horrible blizzard, no?

I fucking love windows 11. Especially compared to 10

I fucking do not love windows 10.

Not voting to protest is as effective as setting yourself on fire in a first world country.

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Exactly. Coming from a brown person, this is fucking racist.

Right? Intelligence only works on the intelligent.

This is something a nerd that gets beat up would say 🤣

Yeah I just >!tested it!< and you can't have one ">! !<" for all the paragraphs. You need a set for each one.

! >!Like This Example!< !<


!Not Like



#R E T A R D

Racist? 🤣

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Wait until they find out about people selling their food stamps 🤣

Ah yes how can we forget the two dozen armed black people practicing their 2nd amendment that caused Reagan to sign a gun control law so said blacks couldn't have guns anymore 🤣😂

Democrats and Republicans swapped ideologies and beliefs around 1936

I'm a gwar fan but don't understand the reference.

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This thread has enlightened me on how biased and irrational lemmy is (more than usual). So far you guys have claimed it's:

  1. false flag operators
  2. valid because the college "supports" Israel
  3. just dumb teenagers that don't really care about the cause and just wanna destroy property
  4. okay to deface "private" stuff like bank walls but not books for a "private" library?
  5. really dumb people that can't possibly be on your side
  6. people that just want to destroy
  7. somewhat justified because it brought attention to the most talked about issue? 🤣
  8. "a joy of punching down on people/institutions I guess?" that's a direct quote, holy shit 😂
  9. "I appreciate the spirit, but people who read books are probably the wrong demographic to aim this kind of messaging at." holy moly the cope is unreal

There's some that are actually being honest and saying there's no good reason because there isn't. I appreciate those commenters.

I look forward to being banned for trolling AKA disagreeing with you guys!

So let me get this straight: every country has a blank check they can cash to justify violence because of history?

You're not real. There's no way 😂

What is an "Israel hating leftist"

A leftist that glosses over Hamas' attack on the 7th

I don't care who you accept as human

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