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Joined 1 years ago

Why not buy a Sony phone with an earphone jack?

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while (true) { print(money) }

isn't that just crypto mining?

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Common Linux w

I'm proud to say that I voted.

Mozilla products banned by IT because they had a vulnerability in a pervious version.

::: spoiler Rant It was so bullshit. I had Mozilla Firefox 115.1 installed, and Mozilla put out an advisory, like they do all the fucking time. Fujitsu made it out to be some huge huge unfixed bug the very next day in an email after the advisory was posted and the email chain basically said "yk, we should just remove all Firefox. It's vulnerable so it must be removed."

I wouldn't be mad if they decided that they didn't want to have it be a managed app or that there was something (actually) wrong with it or literally anything else than the fact that they didn't bother actually reading either fucking advisory and decided to nuke something I use daily. :::

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Please elaborate. How do you acquire these women?

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Idk about you but I use echo and sed to edit my files.

That's so silly, I wonder if it's legit.

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I hope OP doesn't. It's much funnier the way it is.

I used a local ai just to make myself hentai that I like.

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about time

I fucked around, and this is what i got:

🍔 + 🍔 + 🍔 = 18

=> 🍔 = 6

🍔 + ( 🍟 × 🍟 ) = 5

🍟² = -1

=> 🍟 = ±i

(🥤^ 🍟) -🥤= 3

case 1: (🥤^ i) -🥤= 3

case 2: (🥤^ -i) -🥤= 3

at this point, i just used wolfram to get both:

=> {

🥤 ≈ -2.97983 + 0.0388569 i,

🥤 ≈ 0.27972 - 0.748461 i


Curiously, case 1 and case 2 return the same 2 values...

Honestly, I didn't expect my name to stay ("Rin", bottom left ish inside the green box). I made it expecting it to be quickly overwritten, but people just went around it.

Someone even gave me a shadow. :)

Paywall. Also, passwords and RSA are two different things.

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I second this. I love Chinese people and culture, hell, I'm even learning Chinese to be able to communicate with my Chinese gf's parents, however CCP ≠ Chinese people.

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Maybe a fed, corpo or authoritarian

Portal 2 moment

more ways to center a div

go home, then touch women

Desire for isolation won. I don't reach out anymore and I don't respond to DMs anymore. I felt lonely for a while but the feeling has now faded. It's honestly better this way.

Once you let the magic smoke leave, you can never get it back.

Bootstrap Paradox

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::: spoiler Mr Beast SCP

Item #: SCP-YouTuber-Beast

Object Class: Euphorically Viral

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-YouTuber-Beast cannot be contained by traditional spatial means due to its inherently digital and memetic nature. Attempts to contain SCP-YouTuber-Beast online must involve AI algorithms dedicated to suppressing its virality, though these measures have proven partially ineffective given its adeptness at bypassing typical digital barriers through the sheer force of viewer enticement. All devices displaying symptoms of SCP-YouTuber-Beast infestation should be isolated from the internet and placed in a Faraday cage calibrated to suppress excessive positive vibes and challenge-induced euphoria.

Researchers monitoring SCP-YouTuber-Beast must have level-5 resistance to clickbait and undergo mandatory de-hyping after each exposure. Personnel have reported a distinct compulsion to 'smash that like button' and 'ding that bell.' Therapists are stationed on-site to address any cases of ‘subscribe-itis’.

Description: SCP-YouTuber-Beast is an entity that appears to have originated from the YouTube platform, closely resembling the online persona of the popular content creator known as "MrBeast". While SCP-YouTuber-Beast exhibits many characteristics consistent with the actual content creator, it possesses anomalous properties that distinguish it from the living individual.

SCP-YouTuber-Beast manifests within digital media, primarily through YouTube video thumbnails. During video playback, subjects have reported instances where SCP-YouTuber-Beast's smile begins to widen to physically impossible extents, often starting as a mild distraction but eventually escalating to a Cheshire-like grin that extends beyond the screen's physical boundaries. This grin has been known to 'infect' other on-screen content, warp UI elements, and even occlude other applications, leading to a phenomenon known as 'The Bea(s)ting.'

Effects on devices vary: smartphones may become unusually charitable, donating battery life to nearby devices, while computers may start organizing high-stakes giveaways for their internal components. The most extreme case reported involved a smart fridge that attempted to distribute its contents to the neighbors, claiming everyone "deserves a snack for reaching the end of the video."

Despite its benign intentions, SCP-YouTuber-Beast's presence can lead to bouts of extreme generosity in affected individuals, often involving financially questionable decisions like giving away personal belongings to startled passersby or 'raiding' animal shelters to 'release' all cats and dogs into loving homes (Operation: Free Fido Fury).

Addendum: It is theorized that SCP-YouTuber-Beast may be responsible for a sudden spike in philanthropic anomalies across the globe. Research into a possible connection between these events and exposure to the entity's thumbnails is ongoing. All instances of donation-fueled euphoria and giveaway-crazed happiness should be reported to the SCP Foundation's ‘Anti-Viral Task Force’ immediately. Remember: Stay alert, stay skeptical, and for the love of order, avoid any recommendations to "do it for the gram."


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I think they eventually write to disk and hibernate after a while but I might be wrong.

they don't have the ability to dislike, they removed the downvotes (i think) lmao

Yes you're correct. Signal would have to be forced to make a back door for the UK gov under this proposal. This is why they, with several others, are threatening to stop providing services in the UK should this pass.

Based UK driver

Children are an investment! After a couple of years, you can send them to the mines and reap all the rewards.

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you forgot the ± when square rooting:

🍟 = ±i

this is because i × i = -1 and -i × -i = -1

xd (I am faithful to my significant other)

i mine monero while idle and it prints a massive 0.03GBP a day :)

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No, it works fine for me. It's just an apk.


pretty sure i tried it as a kid and nothing happened.

Thank you for your insight. This is the first time I've heard of this.

hi woman, I'm dad :)

Not even that. She could be dual booting windows with windows on two separate encrypted partitions. There's going to be someone at work who knows how to set it up.

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