Linux vs Windows tested in 10 games - Linux 17% faster on Average

Joe to – 635 points –
Linux vs Windows tested in 10 games - Linux 17% faster on Average

From Hardlimit


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I think this community is a bit defensive. I have hundreds of games in my steam library that I play. A large number with multiplayer, I have had issues with my windows friends.

Ok well the context I have is that in a decade we went from Linux gaming not really being a thing to it being shockingly good. And people like you can't wait to belittle this progress. When it's 100% on par with windows, I feel like you would still look for a way to shit on it. Seriously 95% or more of my 200ish games run on Linux but it's just too much to bear for you, reading something like that without getting personally offended

I'm providing my experience trying to game with windows-based friends.