Linux Laptop for (student) programmer

Wen to – 86 points –

As the title says, I am currently learning to be a programmer, and my tablet does not suffice for the job.

I have already finished a small MEAN-Stack application for learning Typescript, learned some Java syntax (I expect nothing more exciting than a sorting algorithm, but exam language is Java, so...) and the next stop will most likely be plain vanilla C to learn about handling hardware.

Windows I hate with a passion, and I don't know squat about Macs, so I am thinking of getting myself a decently sized laptop for a sensible Linux install.

History (I started my Liux journey with SuSE Linux 4.4.1, way back when) taught me to be very wary of driver issues on laptops, so I thought I could ask you for recommendations that play fair with Linux.

(as an aside, if I could play GuildWars2 on it in the evening and attach my two big monitors when at home, that would be super cool)


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Assuming you're fine with non-free drivers I don't think there's too much to worry about nowadays (at least that's what I've gathered from personal experience & the lack of hearing other scomplain).

That said, I've never had any issues with HP devices, and even an HP Chromebook worked without too much hassle.

Thinkpads are also a classic Linux machine, and I doubt you could go wrong with those either.

Elitebooks and zBooks are fine. Other HP machines are very hit and miss, and mostly miss. The Pavilion lineup still gives me nightmares.

"NON-FREE Drivers?? How could you use propitery software!!!"

Yeah no who doesn't use the proprietary drivers and coders. Lol