6 Reasons Why You Should Consider Using NixOS Linux

retiolus@lemmy.cat to Linux@lemmy.ml – -6 points –

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Of all the articles to copy and paste without attribution, you chose this one...?


Probably that if possible, you can link to original article from itsfoss. And possibly for all such news ( unless its overly bloated / behind a paywall )

I shared the article through my link precisely because the site is "overly bloated" with ads...


If that's a problem, no trouble, I'll share the original links from now on!

Sorry my comment was really snarky - I apologise. Long day! I'll do better in the future :)

There has been criticism of this listicle format. Critics claim they are clickbait and machinated recycling of information/ideas. Listicles seem to exist to just get more ad impressions over entertaining and informing the reader.

The original article on the original site feels a bit like that. Loads of ads, with just one link to the actual nixos website, mid-sentence, towards the bottom of the article (where the majority of readers never get to).

No worries, and as I was saying, that's why I've shared the article through my site, without ads