155mm guided artillery shell destroys a Russian tank from 19km

Wilshire@sopuli.xyz to Ukraine@sopuli.xyz – 52 points –
Streamable Video

Mirror: https://files.catbox.moe/z6gc5c.mp4

Source: https://t.me/operationalcommandwest/40


Gunners are not the gods of war, they are the hands of God.

They punish everyone who came to our land. Check out this precision strike on enemy equipment.

This strike was made from a distance of 19 km.



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They have guided Vulcano ammo in that caliber too.

I haven't found confirmation about the guided variant, only the unguided. Since it's in the realm of possibility, I'm going to edit the title.


i did not see any text that mentioned the guided variant but i saw a video that showed supposedly a UA gunner in a PzH2000 with a programming adapter on a shell like they are used with Vulcano ammo. (looks like a round copper ziggurat)

Edit: just read the description of those shells by the manufacturer and i i think i misunderstood programmable shell to mean guided shell. the programming could also be for setting the fuse.