
1354 Post – 226 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Good morning bots

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Republicans, specifically Matt Gaetz, voted to remove McCarthy. It's not Democrat's responsibility to vote for Republicans.

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Patriots are part of a layered air defense system that focuses on more valuable targets, whereas smaller air defense systems and units intercept UAVs.


You're making Putin lovers angry

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We definitely need to defederate some instances. They try to downvote every comment and post of mine with bot accounts. Coincidentally, during Russian daytime. 🤔

Russia has already been using cluster munitions since the beginning of the war, so how is this an escalation?

Wow, it doesn't even resemble Reddit anymore. I was also immediately hit with a full page ad. Glad I left.

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The only thing more dangerous than a Florida man is a Florida cop.

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Hamas went in and massacred civilians and took hostages. Zelenskyy can clearly emphathize with Israel at this point in time without any further motivation necessary.

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These are Russian government offices after close. That's sort of a false equivalence.

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It appears that this was a weird and tragic mistake according to an update. Real grenades were put in with a bottle of whiskey as a joke. Since it was a new type of grenade, he didn't realize they were real.


More information from law enforcement officers on the tragedy with Chastyakov.

The details of the death of Zaluzhny's assistant Gennady Chastyakov, who died from a hand grenade as a result of an accident, have emerged.

According to law enforcement sources, the grenades were part of a "gift set" presented to him on his birthday by his colleague, Colonel Timchenko. He has already testified that he himself decided to make such a gift, placing a bottle of "Black Label" whiskey and 6 pomegranates in a wooden box.

This was confirmed by three witnesses during which the colonel handed over the gift. He even said to Chastyakov: "It's hard to surprise you - that's why I'm giving you combat grenades and a bottle of good whiskey."

Obviously, Chastyakov took it as a joke. Because later he took the children from school and began to sort out gifts with them. He thought that in the box were not combat grenades, but glasses of a specific shape.

By the way, Timchenko kept two grenades for himself. The photo shows how they look. Journalist Andrii Tsaplienko.

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It's pronounced Attack'ems

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It's an image translation.

They shouldn't have been doing business with the Russian government.

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More context:

A Russian soldier complains to his wife about losses among personnel, hunger, and thirst and the command itself:

▪️ a serviceman complains that food was not delivered to them for three weeks, and water for 7 days;

▪️ "the assault failed, everything went to shit, everyone was killed";

▪️ "you want to eat and drink, that's what war is all about";

▪️ "what a country, such an army *boochaya";

▪️ "I'm already taking off my armor, I don't have the strength to carry it, and if you're wounded, they won't take you out";

▪️ "200 are lying in the field, they are not taken away";

▪️ "everyone in general shits on us on us, on the offensive - shit";

▪️ "there is no one else: neither the 2nd, nor the 3rd... there is no one behind the prisons, everything is forbidden."


A large sponsored video that takes up 90% of the page.

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As they say, "regulations are written in blood".

That third hit was right on the money.

Google Translate app

There's been a lot of brigading or bot activity in the last 12 hours.

Seven months ago, the Kremlin began pulling out of long-term storage BTR-50 tracked armored personnel carriers, up-arming them in some cases and sending them toward the front line in Ukraine.

It was a remarkable development. The BTR-50 is old. As its designation implies, it was designed and first fielded in the 1950s.

And while the modern Russian army hung on to a few specialized BTR-50 variants for support roles, for front-line roles it long ago replaced the aged, vulnerable APCs with much-improved wheeled BTR-60s, BTR-70s and BTR-80s. There even are a few experimental BTR-90s with combat forces in Ukraine.

But after 21 months of hard fighting that has cost the Russian military thousands of fighting vehicles, the Kremlin is desperate for replacement APCs. Seventy-year-old BTR-50s sometimes are the best it can do.

There’s a cost to deploying an obsolete, thinly-protected BTR, however. And that cost was evident last week as a multi-regiment Russian force made a frantic, late-season push toward Avdiivka, a free settlement in eastern Ukraine’s Donetsk Oblast, just north of Donetsk City, the seat of a pro-Russian separatist “republic.”

A BTR-50 was among the Russian losses after Ukrainian mines, artillery, drones and anti-tank teams smashed several long columns of armored vehicles attempting to flank Avdiivka from the south and north.

In a heady several days of fighting, the Russians lost scores of vehicles. It seems one BTR-50 rolled over a mine, exploded and flipped upside down. A Ukrainian drone captured the carnage as the bodies of the BTR’s occupants spilled onto the road.

Any vehicle is vulnerable to mines and other heavy anti-tank munitions. But a BTR-50 is especially vulnerable.

The BTR-50P—one of the main variants of the old vehicle—is a 15-ton, diesel-fueled armored tractor with two crew and space for up to 20 passengers. It usually packs a heavy machine gun.

The Soviet Union developed the BTR-50P in the early 1950s. It entered service in 1954 and, for the next 12 years, was the Soviet army’s mainstay fighting vehicle. BTR-50 crews would haul infantry into battle, protect the soldiers as they dismounted then support them with its machine gun.

The BTR-50P is lightly-armed and thinly-armored, however. When the heavier, and more heavily-armed, BMP-1 debuted in 1966, thousands of BTR-50Ps cascaded to second-line units.

The BTRs hauled artillery, engineers and anti-aircraft guns until MT-LB tractors began displacing the older vehicles from those roles, too. As of last year, the Russian army operated just a handful of aged BTR-50Ps plus somewhat more modern BTR-50PU command vehicles.

But as losses of newer BTRs, BMPs and MT-LBs spiked, and factories struggled to produce enough replacement vehicles, the Kremlin this spring began reactivating some of the potentially hundreds of BTR-50s that had been languishing in long-term storage.

There was some speculation that the war-reserve BTRs would fill second-line roles as command posts or artillery-support vehicles. But then careful observers spotted some of the 15-ton vehicles with 23-millimeter autocannons in place of their usual heavy machine guns.

It was apparent the Russians planned to send the up-armed APCs close to the front, either as infantry-support vehicles or crude air-defense systems.

In those roles, the geriatric BTRs were all but doomed. At least one of them blew up and flipped over in a pile of its deceased former occupants on a road outside Avdiivka.

Tragically for the BTR’s crew and passengers, the Russians’ Avdiivka offensive seems to be mostly symbolic: an effort to achieve some kind of victory in advance of the coming winter, when the cold weather and wet ground might make further advances—by either side—difficult.

As a symbol, the attack so far has failed. If the assault stands for anything, it stands for failure. The Kremlin sent troops to die in an obsolete vehicle as part of an ill-prepared force pursuing an objective with little real military value.

50,000 square meters (nearly 540,000 square feet)

That's approximately 4 square Walmarts

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In this video you can see several helicopters and an ammo warehouse burning

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They usually do some extra testing in Western Ukraine with new tanks, but training is essentially complete.

We were assigned a random president in high school, and I had to write a paper on his presidency. My paper was too short.

Yes, and if my genome was stolen I'd probably be dead.

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Do you just go to every post to talk about Israel?

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I know this is going to sound like an ad. Visible has unlimited 5G, and 5Mbps* hotspot, for $25/mo. It's owned by Verizon.

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⚡️ The SBU attacked a military camp near the "Khalino" airfield in the Kursk region, - sources

RBC-Ukraine sources in the SBU confirm that the SBU organized a "cotton" tonight in the field camp of Russians near the village of Postoyali Dvory. Up to 3,000 Russian soldiers and about 80 units of military equipment were stationed near the "Khalino" military airfield.

Currently, the exact number of enemy casualties is being clarified, but the damage was powerful - at least 18 SBU drone hits on the camp were recorded.




That's not a Ukrainian flag.

Normal procedure to make sure it's within legal standards.

When I wake up, well I know I'm gonna be

I'm gonna be the drone who blows up next to you

I had no idea they were on Mastodon!

It's a translation.

Here's the original

Source: https://t.me/otarnavskiy/286

Woman stuck in a windshield up to her torso, still alive.

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Different bridge. That was the Chongar Bridge, but there's reports it may have been hit again too.

Update: Both bridges crossing the Chonhar strait were hit.

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