Trump threatens to cut off aid to Ukraine 'prior to taking the White House as president-elect' to politics – 326 points –
Trump threatens to cut off aid to Ukraine 'prior to taking the White House as president-elect'

What really keeps me up at night is wondering what's next? What comes after tRump? Is there an end in sight? Will these Maga morons keep getting dumber/more extreme? I think so.

There is no end if our government doesn't start taking these christian nationalists as a serious threat. Not to worry, three generations as a theocracy will rip this entire nation to threads.

What's scarier is; it might not. It might just radically alter the culture to being radically restrictive to a new theocratic orthodoxy. Megachurches combining to create new variants on the bible and its interpretation. A new set of "intellectuals" re-writing the constitution under divine providence. A new geopolitics, corporate structures, and large companies willing to go along with it.

I'm glad I don't live in the United state's but what worries me is if this happens and they end up going to war with other countries

If you want a preview, check out Handmaid’s Tale.

I am convinced that the Nationalist Christians view both the book and the Hulu series as an aspirational goal instead of a cautionary tale.

The preview is Nazi Germany, multiple degrees larger, and in black and yellow. We have real world examples of these things.

It won’t matter if Trump wins. Plans to become a dictator aside, he’s going to help Netanyahu eradicate Palestine while withdrawing support from Ukraine, Taiwan, and the Philippines in the name of isolationism.

He’s going to start WWIII by letting Putin and Xi do whatever they want.

The real issue is these aren't Trump's plans, they're plans with their own life within the Republican party and the system at large already.

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The Heritage Foundation (which was founded by White Supremacist adjacent people) are behind Project 2025 (which is aimed at enacting Unitary Executive Theory, aka dictatorship) - come up with a plan EVERY election cycle, and they don't throw away their old aims and plans, they reworked them and fold them into the next attempt.

So I think your prediction is correct, the MAGA republican problem won't go away, it will just keep folding into its self.

These people are seriously fucking scary. Reading roman history with all it's conspiracies, government takeovers etc used to seem like fiction, a relic of the past. But no, we exist on a planet where rich old people use their money and power to manipulate and oppress the masses for their own gain. And there's no solution. How do you fight these people when they've weaponized ignorance and convinced a signification portion of their voter base to vote against their own interests?

Then that means the U.S. will go fascist after Biden's second term.

Unless there are laws against NAZIs and gerrymandering in the states, it's only a question of time.

After tRump is gone there will be an endless supply of copycat wannabe dictators trying to one up the sHitler himself.

You don’t even need to look too far ahead in future or debate hypotheticals - just look at the language and demeanor of many of republican candidates like Kari Lame, Marge Traitor, Lauren Gropert, that Nazi guy running for NC governor, and many many more to list here.

Seems like it's almost time to kill Nazis again like ww2

The great flaw in the fascist plans leading to WW2 wasn't a military error.

It was not being America or Russia.

They're looking to fix those oversights.

Don't forget, the goal of Hitler was a united Europe. Now that Europe is united, it's turning far right in most countries. Hitler just had the formula all backwards. Now with Russia being a dictatorial regime and Trump being a Putin lover, Biden is the one to stop the US from being a Russian puppet state. This world is so fucked up right now. Putin wants to restore the Soviet Union and the American Republicans are all for it.

Yeah, the Soviet Union, but with all the lip service to communism replaced by actual capitalism.

Well, not really. The regime is a totalitarian dictatorship, the system is extremely corrupt with all the oligarchs. So it's not really capitalism. Communism is replaced by nationalism. Not really nazism, as the nazies had a very social system (only national). Putin wants the old borders of the Soviet Union back, not socialism.

Putin wants the old borders of the Soviet Union back, not socialism.

That's what I wrote …

Capitalism doesn't need free market to exist. In fact, capitalism has nothing to do with free markets, only with ownership of the means of production.

I knew they were going off the rails for decades, but when I saw them stroking themselves to shirtless Putin on horseback while saying Obama was "weak" because "mom jeans", I knew they were just beyond righting themselves.

Yeah but honestly, the way the polls are looking right now, so is the US.

Relatively early on (can't remember the date) Himmler gave a somewhat notorious speech about eventually recruiting far flung "true Aryans" from the US into the SS, much like they eventually did from several other countries.

Luckily history played out a bit differently.

The real problem is when these MAGA morons get smarter and more extreme.

The MAGA morons are the tools used by the far right leaders to get their way. Many of them are just terrified due to an intense ignorance and if they got smarter we might actually be doing ok.

if they got smarter we might actually be doing ok.

Or we could remove the financial incentives in our political system. That'd be a good start and a lot more likely to happen than making people smarter. Let's not try to change people, let's instead stop monied interests' ability to mass manipulate people with fear into voting against their own interests.

Well that’s the thing, the base would be smart enough to elect those who would actually want to do those things instead of the current gaggle of goons.

when these MAGA morons get *smarter*

Wouldn’t they just stop being maga morons?

No. They won't. The United States has always had a taste for authoritarianism. There's a burning desire for people that serve in these not so United States, and everyone thinks that they deserve to be served and don't give two shits about their fellow Americans. It isn't stupidity that guides these people. It's assholery, and the desire to lord it over other people. Don't ascribe to incompetence what should be ascribed properly to malice where MAGA is concerned.

Depends on how they progress. Smart doesn't necessarily mean good.

They all act like morons, but especially for the ones on top, it becomes a question of whether they came into power by being just the right type of stupid; or are they just good at behaving like an idiot because that's an effective way to manipulate actual idiots?

We have a tendency to be dismissive of them as -just- being stupid, but every time we give them the village-idiot pass, we're making their strategy that much more successful.

Look at the harm Trump has caused - he wouldn't get away with a tenth of what he's done if he acted competently.


...honestly it's basically the Darth Jar Jar fan theory - you can get away with doing all kinds of evil if you just act like an idiot while you do it.

That's why we have to oppose them. It's exhausting, but it's important and the alternative is more, worse Trumps.

So take a break if you need to, practice self-care. And then let's all vote, volunteer, and donate to make the world better. Please, it's that important...

What's sad is that we are quite possibly on the precipice on making some very big leaps forward, as humanity. I'm talking extreme leaps, ones that would hopefully invalidate the backward rubes and their positions - leaps that might even effectively fix their bad thinking.

But these assclowns might have us completely fumble at the goal line.

I’m sure they will, but will another Maga Supreme ooze into their center? Hopefully if they don’t find another Grand Cheetoh, they’ll just degenerate into a scattering of loonies we can ignore

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Oh lmao they plan on doing another J6 before the election. He can't help but blurt it out.

The Nazis didn't get it right the first time either.

Don't let the right wing's clown act get your guard down.

this is a great reminder.

Hitler was sent to jail and THEN became the Hitler we all know and love today.

Hitlet was like 30. Trump is like 85. I agree with you, but I'd say it's a coin toss Trump drops dead by July 6, nevermind January 6, that fat old fuck. Not sure he's going to mount a comeback.

I'm not really worried about Trump specifically so much as the movement he's unleashed. Cult 45 is going to lose their fucking minds when he finally dies... he could literally choke to death on Putin's dick on live TV and it'd still be pitched as some kind of deep state hit job that merits retaliation. This shit doesn't end with Trump.

I hope you're wrong. Sure, some in this movement are die hards, and there will always be a supply of batshit crazy candidates for them to cling to. Many caught up in MAGA are not die hards, they are caught up in a personality cult, and when the personality is gone, they will abandon it, too.

I believe Russia has been cultivating Trump since the '80s, and he was a household name before he got into politics though. Someone like that will not be easily replaceable.

His inevitable fat fuck death can't happen soon enough.

I don't think Russia cultivated Trump as potential political figure (at least not until 2015), but I agree with everything else you said. I don't think winning in 2016 was Trump's initial goal when he announced he was running; I think it was just another one of his grifts and to gain publicity.

FBI if you fuckball clowns are listening THIS TIME...DO SOMETHING

You don't see police beating KKK members for the same reason you don't see Batman beating Bruce Wayne.

although I'm pretty sure Batman is insane, like, he's batman with bruce as the mask, not the other way around any more. Full-on Gollum.

I could totally see him having a smeegol/gollum moment and punching himself.

Well, not just the FBI, please. But yes, send them in to start making arrests prior to the shit really happening. But preemptively set up the National Guard to let those that plan on fucking around, to REALLY fucking find out this time. Not just one Ashley Babbitt.

Last time I remember so many things he said right before, and me thinking "is he going to stage a coup? He's pretty much saying he's going to scare a coup but Naaahh, even trump can't be THAT insane.

I was naive, but why the fuck was the FBI, DHS, etc naive on this?

once again we have to explain to trumpers - "that's not how this works; that's not how any of this works."

“We really like russia! We really, really like them!”

Know how the “far left” is telling us to not vote this year?

Ever wonder why that is?

The far left tells you to vote and organize.

Russian bots tell you to protest from your living room.

On lemmy, it’s mostly the same thing. I’m not sure I’ve seen a person claiming to be a far lefter suggesting anyone vote.

EDIT: I’m standing corrected, and happy to be wrong.

I'm far left. Vote.


…. Happier guess? In fairness, it stands to reason that I wasn’t suggesting that ALL of them are Russian bots, but we all can safely assume that many here are.

I'm also far left, absolutely vote. Living in a fascist dictatorship makes organising for change harder.

It’s good to see people say so, but unfortunately, there’s not enough of the good one’s helping to stop the bad ones from spreading their propaganda. You MUST know there are people among you that are using your ideology to influence an election, right?

“Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.”

~ John Stuart Mill

Of course, and there's people in the centre left that are pushing for a total change in the way the US is governed. There's great and shit people everywhere.

It’s be awesome if you guys would help tell these bots using your ideology to influence an election to sway toward Trump to fuck off.

I'm far left (anarcho-syndicalist) and I say vote. It's not that hard and buys us more time to do our organizing and try to build out unions and mutual aid networks while fascism is at least growing more slowly.

Not at all. There is a suspicious amount of trolls/idiots here but don't think the people pushing back aren't leftists. See e.g. me

this comment is entirely correct, due to the use of quotes. The far left isn't telling you not to vote. The "far left" is. Those saying that are not left. Those comments are the output of the right.

Voter suppression is their game. status quo at worst. third reich at best.

What the fuck are you on about?

The fact that there's a lot of “leftists” on social media that propose voting third party in the next US general election. Due to the spoiler effect, everyone following that advice will help Trump getting elected.

These “leftists” are therefore either idiots or false flag actors (most likely Russian trolls, since Russia is known to both employ them and to benefit a lot from a Trump presidency)

He's on a personal crusade against anything to the left of Reagan.

…. Says the guy who’s on a personal crusade to get Trump elected.

I'm really not. But you are really invested in not seeing that.

Right… so… your bullshit accusations are true, but anyone else that calls you out is lying.

Grow up.

A. I refuse to, on principle. But that doesn't mean I'm not serious.

B. No, just you. I've gotten along with plenty of other people I disagree with and they've not resorted to literally making things up about me.

It’s always funny how you people become victims of things “people make up” about you- yet your ENTIRE ideology is based on things made up about people.

Fucking hypocritical if you ask me.

No you literally went off about my supposed inexperience and/or lack of education. I guess gaslighting is just normal for you though.