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Hell, even in FPTP in countries like Canada with a third, equally viable party not voting for what you want is a bit of a waste. If you don’t show your support then the next election has the chance to go even deeper into the fake two-party system.

It’s your voice. In many ways it’s your only voice and there is no nuance so you must be clear.

I kinda get it. Boeing may just be trying to improve their image but they’re doing it during an active investigation. Considering just how little they’ve cared in the past this may an attempt to garner sympathy from the public before everything is done.

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“But doesn’t this cost more and take up more space than just putting them side by side and not having the stairs? And the stairs are even dangerous for the person on top!”

“Ah, see you’re not thinking about how fun it is to shit on other people.”


The hospital reduced the payment after learning he was uninsured? Is that like how itemized receipts make it cheaper because it’s all designed to shaft insurance companies who then just shaft their clients to not lose any money?

Also fuck the people who actually enforced that rule on the boat and anyone who would threaten their jobs if they didn’t.

Just another reason to avoid cruises, I guess.

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You sure about that, champ?

Man, corps will do anything to make sure people are miserable even if it costs them more. Fucking wild.

Four-day work weeks make people happier and more productive and will actually save money without even paying people less and they just refuse to take the nice way out.

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The question you have to ask here is “if anyone can just sign up then how was she noticed, and if they spend any time verifying then how did they not realize she was very serious about her womanhood?”. She’s had gender-affirming surgery and you’re really out here saying “if they let anyone in simply based on them saying ‘I’m a woman’?”.

They’re clearly doing some work here and not doing it very well. And you’re missing very important facts.

Wouldn’t wanna go, like, 20min before that like “hey dude, this shit’s dangerous and maybe we take a breather on this one”?

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We ain’t even being paid 100%. I checked what a vaguely comfortable lifestyle would be for my area and even the top earners in the field make nowhere near that number. They were paying me effectively 43%, it was a miracle I came back to work after lunch on Wednesdays.

We’d get to watch Microsoft somehow destroy it, which would be as amazing as it would be awful. They really know how to make a great product terrible.

Though, who am I kidding, they’d just close the entire thing down and expect people to switch to their store. That’s all capitalism’s “competition” is good for these days.

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And there are millions of people who’s homes have been irrevocably changed for the worse by a warming planet. Even those further north are being impacted as they experience floods in some places, droughts in others, and more extreme weather in general.

I don’t give a shit about the mushrooms.

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Whatever they do, they shouldn’t be the least bit surprised that this is the result of literally saying their whole deal would opposing anything the Dems put forward.

“We’re going to hurt everyone else out of spite to make you look bad.”

“How dare you don’t do a thing you have a zero obligation to do and save us from ourselves! For shame!”

I dunno, I’m with ya but also if you see protesters, who regular citizens with no special power, as totalitarian tyrants wanting to silence you while also demanding they be arrested with your very real closeness to the power that could that then fuckin’ maybe your house should get vandalized. I’d draw the line at hurting an actual person and then urging people away from vandalism since they might hurt someone by accident but stillllll…

Remember kids: Management will never risk a damn thing and even when they do lose they’ll be ok because they put all your money into a rainy fund. And they’ll blame every single person but themselves.

I wonder how many times we can find Republicans referencing Hunter Biden? Or any number of things they claim beyond simply stating a fact like “Trump is currently charged with…[insert charge but not claim of guilt]”.

It would be the same as ending the war Ukraine by letting Russia keep what they stole. Zero incentive not to keep doing it and it validates the side of the aggressor by saying “wow you both need to stop fighting”.

Right-wingers love to cite self-defense as reasons why they should own guns and be able to shoot people who simply knock on their front door but the second a brown person does it after years of being systematically oppressed/genocided suddenly they’re just as guilty as the oppressor, if not more so.

In short, wanting peace in that way is a pretty little lie meant to legitimize terror campaigns and invalidate the damage done to the victims. It’s full of horseshit.

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[preface: I got mad respect for you for wanting to find a solution here that works for everyone. Top-shelf stuff right there. The following is adding detail and not to berate you and I want to make sure that’s out there.]

People really don’t mind either way. The bar is on the floor with how conservatives are acting these days so simply respecting their pronouns will let them feel so much more human.

There are two kinds of respect I’ve experienced: the first is simply treating others kindly, fairly, and with patience and consideration. The second “formal politeness” is more often demanded than earned and it’s always based on stuff like “I’m older than you” because they don’t have anything else going for them. That deference is meant to make anyone who doesn’t treat them as special out to be “impolite” so they don’t need to back-up their decisions.

Most decent people don’t want the second kind of respect. I know for me it makes me feel icky thinking that someone has muted themselves because they’re afraid of making me angry. Mind you I don’t think poorly of anyone who says it, ever, because they’re just doing what they were taught and trying to be polite.

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“That’s all well and good, but what about one of the worst examples of it?”

You are never going to understand their point because you seem to have no desire to actually take any of this conversation seriously.

Capitalism was literally designed to continue the powers of a monarchy when it was obvious that people were revolting and that’s literally in the texts, it’s history. Much more regulated and “people first” societies exist, largely in Europe, and they thrive but you’re ignoring, that, too.

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That’s really the kind of organizational skillset that’ll get things done. /s

Even with their fear-mongering and everything I will never understand why the right keeps electing the kind of people who refuse to show any level of qualification. Like ok, you hate taxes and think that corporations should have the right to poison your waterways, but why are you electing the blatant liars and fraudsters who can’t even seem to put their pants on the right way ‘round? At least go for someone who seems to have some level of skill.

Oh, right, people with skill are less and less likely to actually ascribe to those broken ideologies. Maybe that should be a sign.

That still comes at a cost, short term gain sounds nice until the next generation(what you were) are even more screwed than before. It’s not the win that it feels like, but they know it feels good and that’s why they try so hard to get you to focus on that instead of other things.

I also understand that it’s fucking rough out there and no one has the energy or money to the right thing every time. Keep buying the cheap deodorant if that’s what you need to do but understand that it comes from a system where the entire goal is to wear you down and pay you so little that you have no choice. These businesses charge so little because they know that no one can compete with them at scale and everyone suffers in the longterm.

It also feels like they chase the “break things” part as if not breaking stuff is a bad thing, and like we should be proud of them for releasing broken and poorly tested updates.

Move fast, break things, fix the broken things, push update/product whatever. They keep forgetting the third step.

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Or Sting playing for Microsoft execs on an island retreat.

It’s like, they don’t need the money so what the hell are they doing?

I used console commands to help play Half Life 2 when I was younger. God was super boring, obviously, and I only used the refill ammo/health thing when I really needed it. I even restricted myself to only using weapons that I had earned access to even though the ammo command gave me all of them. Also, Dolly Parton uses her wealth to buy books for kids.

Bezos is just a really shitty person. Power doesn’t corrupt every time, but it sure attracts bad people at a much greater rate than it does good people. Luckily many good people are also out there fighting to make sure that it’s not only bad people with all the cards.

The fucked thing is that it wouldn’t be such a huge deal but they all want to make money on the current number of customers instead of their potential. People are poorer and poorer and have to choose maybe one or two services at a time at the prices they are.

They would rather get one customer for $15/mo than 4 or 5 customers for $5/mo. And they together created an environment where it’s hard for any one of them to make the first move. Healthy competition only really works when people act in good faith and none of these people are capable of that even when it benefits them.

Business people are truly dumbest creatures on this planet. “What if we make them poor and then charge them a bunch of money? That makes sense, right? And if they get upset we tell them it’s their fault.”

“Brain trust”

I trust their brains are rotten, if that’s what they mean.

It’s because he’s wanted to make X a thing since 2000. Even if he was being a troll, it’s not a joke if he’s just making everyone miserable. That’s not humour, it’s an anti-social weirdo and his dipshit followers thinking that hurting other people is funny.

It probably does, but I’m just not sure for how long. It’s a lot of force placed in very awkward places. You would need high tolerances so the slop won’t be magnified towards the other end and the leverage would also mean that any imperfection(easy to pick up since the mechanism in unshieldable and on the rim) would very quickly reduce those tolerances to a cheap joke.

Very cool idea and definitely worth trying for the lols but anyone who thinks this would be practical longterm probably doesn’t deserve the dispoable income required to purchase it.

I used to keep my phone under my pillow(no night table) with an alarm on it.

“Stressed” is not lightly used when I talk about how it felt for my phone to go off and not stop. Alarm off, power off, under a pillow, thrown away, even smashed and snapped in two it would always keep ringing because, of course, in the real world it was under my head and never changing. Once I woke up proper and turned it off the silence was painful and I felt so unrested I very nearly cried.

It’s not an “emotional” nightmare, i.e. it didn’t pull at anything heavy on my mind or anything, but it was torturous as a “physical” one.

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I dunno, when I get worried about stability the last thing I want to do is start attacking other people and creating even more enemies. I get that it’s not so simple and not so instantaneous a choice, but still.

Damn, bro. How do I return my laugh? Is there a department I have to talk speak to or a mail-in form or something?

Well that’s fucked up. Jesus.

That last bit is part of it. One Instagram account means full access, full interaction. If you don’t have one there’s no approval process, either.

Plus it looks more fleshed out. Let’s face it, a clean and at least vaguely clear UI is far more trustworthy for 99% of people than a possibly sketchy one that seems to almost overcommunicate as far as they’re concerned.

Oh, and speaking of UI, the only app I have for Lemmy on iOS is through Testflight. Most people don’t have, want, or even need a desktop so if there’s no phone app then literally nothing else matters and that’s fair.

I swear to god conservatives are such fucking babies. Literally any kind of consequence for their objdctively horrible and misinformed actions actions and they cry the biggest booboo tears.

And that’s exactly it. Capitalism rewards having money and how you get it isn’t important. It doesn’t breed technological innovation but it sure as shit pumps out new, fun ways to spew propoganda and avoid laws! And oh boy is paying employees well not even close to a metric by which to measure a successful company.

It’s the least people clever in the room having the volume to make sure that no one smarter than them can speak and then claiming they’re geniuses when only their idea gets through.

That’s just a sequence of events. “I stood up and then my car alarm went off” doesn’t mean those events are linked. The worm probably just doesn’t live that long or something.

There are myriad things we can point to to mock these people but showing off our poor reading comprehension isn’t going to help.

What makes it bad, for those of us unaware?

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The idea they were driving at is that, decades ago, that limit was actually imposed by the consumer. Nowadays they know people will just blame Trudeau or Biden or whoever and make excuses for the rich so there’re no more barriers. They also have a much stronger foothold than before and so don’t need to worry as much, and many of the modern scummy tactics, such as McDonald’s running anti-suing propoganda, are exactly that, fairly modern.

They definitely didn’t plan walking out. It’s hard to keep a secret even with intelligent people and these folk are dumb as rocks. Doesn’t change anything, people should vote anyway; it always matters.

“Honesty”? Well maybe that’s step one: understand why those arguments you’ve been fed are disingenuous and not valid.

Those countries are, by and large, much happier than us in North America. They don’t experience nearly the levels of mass poverty that countries focused on money over citizens do, and if it weren’t for the death throes of capitalism injecting intense amounts of rightwing propoganda into the world right now they’d be even better off. Nearly half of America is below the official poverty line and many of the rest don’t realize how bad they have it because that line doesn’t move as quickly as it should.

They have safety nets for people in a bund and support structures for everyone. In the U.S. people need to refuse ambulances because they cost too much. Police kill people at an insane rate here, even in Canada, and while they are far from perfect in Europe they are at least not killing their citizens in the fucking street and in their homes. They have more green initiatives and they work together, using the EU, to push for real and important changes that capitalism does nothing to address. As the rightwing gets more and more extreme we do see more and more issues, of course, as the whole MO of those governments is to break down the government’s ability to function such that it can replaced by private business(although they’re also enjoying using the power to restrict the freedoms of minority groups such as the immigrants you mentioned).

Yes, it is not perfect, but if we’re arguing about that vs capitalism it’s a no-contest. Capitalism doesn’t even pretend to care about people, only keeping money, and therefore power, in the hands of those who least deserve it. That’s the whole game, and it’s awful for everyone.

Oh, and Venezuela? Yea, the CIA, in order to push the U.S.’s fucked up capitalist garbage, is constantly meddling in South America’s business. To “protect American interests” they’ve funded literal death squads for crying out loud.

If you want to talk about anarchy or adjacent options, those will just devolve into a completely unregulated disaster. There’s a reason we have government and arachists are just too fucking lazy to build something that works so they just want to destroy things that aren’t 100% perfect.

The rules are “make anyone above you feel good about themselves because they’ll throw a hissy fit if you don’t make them feel special.” It’s pathetic and I’m tired of it.