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Man, corps will do anything to make sure people are miserable even if it costs them more. Fucking wild.

Four-day work weeks make people happier and more productive and will actually save money without even paying people less and they just refuse to take the nice way out.

Dr Bronner’s is a pretty wild company with an actually pretty decent philanthropic history.'s_Magic_Soaps?wprov=sfti1#History if any company was gonna be open to progressive labor practices i would not be surprised if they were on the list.

Also if by ‘supplied by employer’ they mean ‘as a treatment option covered under their health plan’ then a lot of people’s healthcare is ‘supplied by their employer (or government)’.

Don’t get me wrong Dr. Bronners is still just a business and doesn’t need anyone’s defending. But Ketamine Therapy has shown a lot of promise as an experimental treatment and isnt being handed out to Amazon employees to keep the suicide rates at the warehouse down, yet.

Grew hemp in cage outside White House until they cut it open and arrested him