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Joined 1 months ago

On Lemmy its more 75% chance it will be gay or yiff porn.

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I hope someone sues Microsoft.

Hopefully they'll end up with an incredible amount of user telemetry telling them that they've created the least adopted version of Windows in the history of the company.

That's what Windows 11 deserves, they need a punch in the face from users.

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There's the Perennial source list here:


Also a searchable notice board. Should probably cross check it against things like ground news and other fact checking websites.

Me too, I've seen far too much gay porn just to keep using Lemmy.

This is some third world shit going down. Hey America: long term violent protests combined with a general strike.

Plan a a date, print up flyers. Do it.

Not really, proxy wars have been fought with multiple nations before.

... practically everyone was in Syria... Russia, Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Armenia, Qatar, The USA, ISIS, Al-queda, and Syrian forces.

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Haven't read the article because I'm not interested in an app I don't use, but does it mean browser fingerprint? Because that's slang for the fonts/cookies/user-data of your browser, and lots of apps have access to that.

Or through blackmail.

Because Russia was funding one side, ask George Bush senior.

He's a good example of a shallow fake.

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Windows 11 has been a big wake up call for consumers.

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"You can't jail me, I'm going to help this felon I know become president".

I use the cheapest serrated knives, they come in a set of four, and are idiots who each take a tiny bite of food when you move them along.

... perhaps they're not even knives, but are wood saws for food.

Your grandfather's knives could whisper to them 24/7 until their bodies rust, they'd still just be my little idiots who cost four dollars and only cut when I move them along.

And cut they do, just with no sense of danger or spite, they only take their tiny portions and giggle until it's their turn again. Which is only when I move them, back and forth until they get through.

"I was unhappy with how he was a black guy when dealing with it."

-the father probably.

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Secret camps with abuses during a racially motivated genocide - remember Israel's unofficial motto: "Never again to us..." - but they're seemingly okay doing it to others.

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Wait, I think I'm experiencing the Mandello effect...

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On god, you cappin' rn fr

"Honestly, you are lying right now for real"

A hater gets caught lackin' in the crib and you think that's my vibe

"Someone who doesn't like me gets caught without enough to defend themselves in the house, and you think that's what I'm about/like"

Deadass, I'm bussin'.

"...in all seriousness, I'm great/fantastic/amazing."

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AI has barely started infecting things, it's still avoidable... Yet even at this early stage it's obvious these companies have no morality and are willing to break laws and violate social norms.

It's obvious they're evil and they've barely just begun.

What else am I missing?

Global Linux usage stats vs global Windows usage stats for PC Desktops.

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The Heritage Foundation (which was founded by White Supremacist adjacent people) are behind Project 2025 (which is aimed at enacting Unitary Executive Theory, aka dictatorship) - come up with a plan EVERY election cycle, and they don't throw away their old aims and plans, they reworked them and fold them into the next attempt.

So I think your prediction is correct, the MAGA republican problem won't go away, it will just keep folding into its self.

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How's he gonna pay the rest of the $1.499 billion though?

Why is she receiving the Freedom Medal of Valor?

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C++ is focused on getting a strong degree of root control over the hardware of lots of systems. Which is part of why it's difficult.

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It is a recession for the bottom majority of the country... That's what happens when economic growth is only benefiting the top half ....

It is a recession for many folks, and that's a real problem that pretending it's not happening won't erase for them.

Flavour your glue people!

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You never know what some people are fighting for. RIP.

Borrowing tactics from Russia.

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I'm not sure why they tried this.

'We made a VR games headset, but replaced the games with office related programs, like calenders and notepads'

Did any of them ever use an Oculus Quest? Like, why did they try this? Is this Apple's Google Glass moment? Did they really think that if you pay enough youtubers to wear it in public, normal people would magically go into car-level debt to emulate them?

In fact, I'll go as far as to say this campaign and price point was a bigger mistake, and a louder failure than Google Glasses.

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"AI" has always been like this... It's not sentient or rational... It's not thinking it's just averaging language... It's not really AI, it's a language model.

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There are non-binary people who still believe genders can suit others, and even be played with as forms of role play ...and there are also examples of null states, such as nullos and asexuals...

...so non-binary doesn't necessarily make a new binary if they still believe gender is fine for others, or as a role play.

A better way to think about it might be as a gender spectrum or quadratic continuum of varied characteristics and overlapping body forms and sexual preferences/behaviour.


The problem is it doesn't let you catch them.

I liked on IRC (internet relay chat) how all the moderator actions were announced - sometimes even globally.

It was always overt and obvious why someone was kicked or banned, for how long, and a reason was almost always given (even if it was a joking one liner just to piss off the person being kicked).

This (especially that last part) made it clear the mods were just people, it showed their work, and also showed how serious, fair, unfair, or political they were.

Hang around on an IRC channel long enough and you knew what mods were jerks, go to enough channels and you could find which were fair and had well measured rules, and which were just a circus for the mods to play politics in...

It allowed users to find their places, and their levels, and to see the precedents, standards, and who they could appeal to have bans reversed.

It was a lot more public than comments disappearing with no answers as to why, and not even being able to notice if users disappear from a community... Which is how things are on many platforms today.

...and it's all subconscious representations of feelings about the internet.

It makes some users into toilet brained idiots. Perverts looking to gorge themselves on internet filth.

It reveals people as political agents if governments.

It shows some are just "camera men" viewers, recorders, uploaders, and others are speakers trying to say something.

It questions what can be ridiculous in this new arena - if anything in an age defined by the scale of your "influence"... And how that causes our drama chips to go haywire.

The art style is known as Machinima, and dates back to the early 90s.

Humans actually have trouble saying things that aren't meaningful - our subconscious tends to always have something to say due to always having to hold things back. It's just who we are.

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Trump's new political party is far worse, he's basing it around revenge...

...google "Trump Lemon Party" for pictures of the event launch held last Saturday night.

The one where the Nazis found an Antarctic hole into a hollow earth world with aliens/lizards inside it... And that's where they were getting their tech.

By the way, The Heritage foundation has a "Project " document pretty regularly, so these ideas aren't going away and aren't dependant on a particular candidate... They're well funded and backed by the think tank.

Today's tech business model:

First you get the power, then you extort the money.

Get off the nationalist drugs.

They'd probably be best off with PCs and a LAN in their bedrooms, and a console room elsewhere.