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Joined 9 months ago

Paused LNG approvals too.

I both anticipate and fear the expansion.


Possible tin hat explanation: Suburbs/small towns lean conservative so preserving them is essential for conservatives to retain power.

Non-profit / below market housing is crucial. Without it, the people who actually keep cities functioning and interesting, service workers, artists, etc get pushed out.

I have a career that enables me to pay a lot of money for housing but I don't want to live in a neighbourhood that only consists of people like me, cause I'm boring as fuck. I also don't want to be part of the reason those people get displaced.

More social housing now!

The solution is making it illegal to own more than a few properties

This problem does not have a single solution. Get rid of landlords and you're still left with a large group of people fighting over a limited supply. Better zoning laws, removal of parking minimums, better transit + micro-mobility infrastructure, and more below market not-for-profit housing.

It's not a simple problem, even if the motives that created the problem are.

Like claiming seven figure personal vehicles as a “company car” from a company they own.

My parents did this kind of stuff. :/

Gas, restaurants, cars, insurance, etc. Probably so much stuff I don't even know about. The company pays for it and they pocket the wages they pay themselves. All this while the people that work for them work part time with no benefits, and predictably have unstable financial situations.

But my parents view themselves as financially responsible and their workers as financially irresponsible. They worked hard to build their company but the rewards far exceed their work relative to their workers.

idk what I'm trying to say. I'm ashamed of the way my parents became successful but at the end of the day they played the game how it was meant to be played. Our society is fucked up on every level.

I pulled myself up by my parents bootstraps.

There’s always talk about tax breaks for home owners…

Because governments want housing prices to stay sky high. The canadian prime minister openly said he doesn't want housing prices to drop because too many people are using their houses as a retirement strategy. That's why there are so many government programs that support buying a house but none that support renting.

The point is that it doesn't solve the problem. The problem is one, we don't have enough housing supply, and two, the housing supply is largely controlled by parasites (big and small) who profit off their ownership.

Getting rid of landlords solves half the problem but you still have a large group of people who cannot afford to buy homes. You might think that's good because housing prices will crash but who's going to build homes when no one can afford to buy them?

I'm not saying I have all the answers but I know for sure that getting rid of landlords is not a silver bullet solution.

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Nobody would need/want to work. Societal collapse ensues as supply chains break down. Prices skyrocket, wages skyrocket.

That would be my guess.

Take me to your leader.

Landlording should never be done for profit. Socialize the fuck out of it. My water, electricity and healthcare is socialized, why do parasites profit off my home?

Both/neither of them are the enemy. The enemy is the system that allows anyone to profit off owning homes.

What a load of shit.

This completely ignores how the housing market has become a farce, based more on speculation than reality. My prime minister has admitted that he does not want housing prices to go down because houses have become a retirement plan for an entire generation. The government literally admits that it wants housing to be unaffordable, how does that have anything to do with creating a functioning market? The price of home ownership is completely detached from the reality of building homes, arguing housing is expensive because it's expensive to build is absolute horse shit.

Not to mention how many "commodities" have been socialized successfully. In order to get medical care you need to build a hospital, pay the doctors, buy the supplies, the list goes on and on. Yet my country has successfully socialized healthcare for the benefit of everyone who lives here. My utilities are socialized even though all the exact same concepts apply to them as well.

Your argument is completely hollow. Housing can and has been socialized, but doing so is against the interest of a wealthy land owners. Hmm I wonder if those wealthy land owners have any sway on government policy.

You're fired.

It only becomes an issue when massive corporations with endless amount of money buy so much inventory that they start affecting the market

So you're saying there's something wrong with being a landlord?

Futurama has always had pop culture references, the original seasons were not about pop culture. Most references were decades old making them essentially history references, not pop culture references.

It wasn't till the comedy central seasons that we had self-referential shit like Fry re-enacting the shut up and take my money meme.

The above statement was incorrect. See below.

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To be fair to OP, they really should've stopped advertising this as a feature years ago. It'd be like if sliced bread was still advertised as "Now sliced for your convenience!" or whatever.

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Hey, any progress is progress. I'm not a fan of the liberal government right now but just the fact that they are talking about this and (hopefully) implementing some sort of structure for it is a big deal imo. I think UBI is a good idea but I would imagine implementing it successfully is going to be a very difficult task.

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OK. I hate to "defend" a terf but I don't think that's her point. JK doesn't want to be black. She doesn't think she should be allowed to change her race and she knows that most people agree with that. She thinks it's an uno reverse card to go "ha! so how come you're allowed to change your gender then?" as if race and gender are the exact same thing.

Anyways, congrats on your transition Queen.

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My interpretation agrees with you. I suppose it's possible he only saw the thousands of years of being a tyrant and was rejecting that. But I still think he saw the worm transformation.

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Steam may suck at extra goodies like streaming but they sure as hell don't suck at selling games. Constant sales, cloud saves, pre-downloads, a solid friend system for co-op games. They nail all the important shit and that's really all that matters to most people.

Funny, cause nothing breaks immersion faster for me than product placement.

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It's ridiculous too because it's creating whats essentially a reverse wealth transfer. Millennials & GenZ have to give all the money they earn (doing actual labour) to people who did absolutely nothing to earn that money. Housing as an investment doesn't make sense from any perspective, it's one step removed from a pyramid scheme. Prices cannot keep going up indefinitely when no value is being created.

God this shit makes me so fucking angry. Our generation has been fucked by the previous generation and they won't fix it they've caused because it hurts their bottom line.

Honestly I respect the Hermione comment. Obviously Hermione was written as white, like duh. She was expressing her support for a black-casted hermione because her race is unimportant. It was just a cheeky way of supporting the casting choice amid the backlash from racist fans.

The Dumbledore being gay thing is... idk. I think it makes sense that he can be gay but JK should have been explicit and not canonized his queerness after the fact for clout.

Obligatory fuck JK for being a TERF.

idk if this is a stupid opinion but I feel like us, the consumers are to blame. If everyone just waited a week and read reviews before buying games then publishers wouldn't be able to get away with this shit.

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Lemmy learns exponential math.

Mostly joking, thanks for doing the math.

"I'm sorry I angered a popular singers fan base with my hateful rhetoric."

Are you aware there are countries all over the world where police don't resort to shooting children when situations become tense and potentially violent?

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All of those things can and always have been accomplished without the use of a car.

The people responsible went to jail right?


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A new app I’ve tested is Spotube (Spotify open source alternative).

This is super misleading. Spotube isn't a Spotify alternative, it uses Spotify metadata and streams the audio from youtube.

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I'll bite.

Drones are loud as fuck and if drone delivery became common there would be a massive backlash from the public. Most people live in cities and do not have a yard to put a target on lol. Drone delivery in cities is almost certainly less cost efficient than truck delivery. Land drones are much more likely in cities, or just dudes with cargo bikes like in many European cities.

So yeah drone delivery might "become a thing" but I doubt it will be mainstream.

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I've hated Paradox ever since I bought CK2 and then realized how many minor features were locked behind $5 DLCs. I later pirated the game to play all the DLC and there is absolutely no fucking way that shit was worth what they are charging. Decided then never to buy a Paradox game again.

Compare that to the Factorio devs Wube. They released their game as a beta and then just kept updating it and adding features until it was done. Then they spent years fixing basically every bug in the game. As far as I know they never decreased the price or put the game on sale, and at one point they increased the price of their game because of inflation. Which honestly is fine, they made a great game and they are continuing to support the game, why decrease the price?

I know I'm coming off as a Wube shill but in my eyes they are ideal devs. Paradox in theory make really interesting games but in practice they poison them with shitty monetization strategies. If they just made games and added free updates for a while afterwards if they wanted to I probably would have spent a shit load on their games.

I'm ranting but as a side note, Paradox definitely abuses fomo. They make games that basically require you to watch videos of how to play and those videos inevitably mention DLCs which you then start wondering what you're missing out on. That's definitely what made me want to buy their DLC.

Fuck paradox

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If this happened to me the first thing I'd do is start looking for other jobs. The second thing I would do is start giving the absolute bare minimum effort possible without getting fired.

This CEO is a fucking idiot. In what I assume is an attempt to increase productivity he's just caused his entire workforce to not give a fuck about their jobs anymore.

Also just a fucking disgusting UX. Gross website.

Spending all that time and money setting up my homeserver is looking better and better every day...

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I can see the onion headline already.

"Non-voters threaten not to vote if Biden doesn't do what they want"

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I'm mad HL2 ended on a cliff hanger and I'm really mad at how they handled TF2. Overall though yeah valve gud.

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