A Universal Basic Income Is Being Considered by Canada's Government

alphacyberranger@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 1161 points –
A Universal Basic Income Is Being Considered by Canada's Government

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Hey, any progress is progress. I'm not a fan of the liberal government right now but just the fact that they are talking about this and (hopefully) implementing some sort of structure for it is a big deal imo. I think UBI is a good idea but I would imagine implementing it successfully is going to be a very difficult task.

Is it? Count the # of people in the country, appropriate the money to cover them all + some additional % for those who slip through the cracks for x amount of years, and cut checks. Done.

I think the main challenge is convincing enough people it's a good idea. You can see some weird arguments against it in the very thread.

Well you don't want the people who slip through the cracks to wait in line for months to get their money, so you probably need to figure out a system to handle those people, and employees to make it work. Deciding how to handle requests from the people like that, without allowing abuse of the system, and training staff takes time.

I'm sure with research you can find more practical issues that get in the way of implementing it tomorrow, which is before getting to the political issues.

But they need to discuss if those people really deserve to live.