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Joined 1 years ago

Too late, as the one who broke the story got murdered years ago. She's not talked about nearly enough.

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The man is a swedish speaking Finn originally, it kinda comes with the territory. We might technically be a minority but we're still as Finnish as the rest of them (to a certain degree at least).

He makes his living by fucking with people he doesn't like and he certainly got off easy compared to the damage he's caused.

I would have, but I didn't remember it offhand and didn't have time to check. She deserved far better than she got though, that's for sure.

lol what? It's a fairly common name in all the Nordic countries at the very least, and fairly sure in Britain as well. The post is obviously American, but that name is not an uncommon one.

Anecdotally I know of at least three, two adults and one just starting school.

Everyone has a plan until a pneumatic metal fist hammers them silly.

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Covid with a side order of severe pancreatitis.

Almost checked out permanently just in time for Christmas.

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Better conversations, and less echo chambers in general. I know exactly who'll disagree with that notion too, but that has been my experience.

The right-wingers that did come over are obviously butthurt to hell since they can't abuse the report function and get backed by obviously biased mods like they do on Reddit. It's easier to simply ignore them here, as well, even though they're around as always.

Hell, half the comments in this very thread seem to be bitching about "Marxism" like it's something that anyone gives half a shit about in today's world. They need their bubble, and they seem to be angry they didn't get this one, too.

Also people are generally more tech-savvy here than there, for obvious reasons. That's a plus.

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Oh for fucks sake..

You're completely correct. That said, and being Finnish, they can fucking try to bring it. We even have the correct amount of snow atm.

Joking aside, nobody sane wants ww3, but if we had to we'd show them another thing altogether.

You sound like Biden personally started the clusterfuck in Gaza.

Spoiler alert: he didn't.

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What, you'd be surprised if they press-ganged these women into sexual slavery? Really?

This is Russia we're discussing here.

Sure, but those were extreme outliers.

The oceangate thing is a better example. Like "I'd just hold my breath and swim to the surface, no big deal".

Except for the whole turning into ketchup in a millisecond or two part, ofc. Some people just don't understand things like that.

That kid on the sub was smarter than the rest of them combined.

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Ă…land is still a part of Finland, even though they have a certain degree of autonomy.

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That number doesn't really tell us anything about the amount of post/content generation that was lost. One or two persons could change the general tone of a smaller sub easily, and often did so.

If only those two hypothetical posters left it could very well lead to a downward spiral into whatever bullshit is going on over there now.

Some of the smaller more specialised subs I frequented simply don't exist anymore due to what happened.

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This hit a lot harder than I feel comfortable with.

You need integrity and credibility to be a journalist.

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You yourself are certainly easily enough to detect with that username, lol.

Other than that, FlyingSquid, mostly because of the specific shade of color on his or her avatar. The fact that I agree with 98% of what he or she posts probably helps as well.

The only media you seem to consume is Fox News and whatever that fat fucks podcast is called. They think they're smart, too, just like you.

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So, you're doing absolutely nothing except consciously support the rapist fuck who wants to sell out the whole country to Russia? Gotcha.

I sincerely wish you were wrong, but it's easy for anyone living in any relatively developed and safe country and scoff at people risking their lives for amounts of money they'd never be able to earn otherwise.

Doubly so if their family gets a payout if they fall. People might wonder why all these russians seem to willfully subject themselves to this shit, and this is probably the answer more often than not. Likewise with the convicts in Wagner. From their point of view it was probably a decent deal, even if it is complete insanity in our reality.

Religion and hypocrisy.

I've been on opiates for the past decade and a half due to two failed surgeries. I'm not saying my life is perfect by any means, but I can guarantee that I'd be a worse parent and a lot less social without said opiates.

I do take tolerance breaks and I'm (usually) somewhat strict with my dosage, but still, it doesn't necessarily "ruin your life" even if you don't do all that.

Not arguing that it can't be addictive, however. It absolutely can, but it is also possible to live with it.

It would also be a lot easier if it wasn't completely bound to the current doctor you have to go through. Since my second surgery I've had ~12 different doctors, all with their own ideas about how things should be treated, and almost none of them have paid any attention to the fact that changing medication or dosages arbitrarily messes up my daily life every goddamn time. If I could just take care of it myself it'd be way less of a hassle.

Punishing people because they try to avoid pain is such a bad idea in the first place, as we'll do almost anything if it's bad enough.

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Russia is bombing no less indiscriminately than Israel, it's just a much larger theater of war, their aiming capabilities suck and their shit gets shot down a lot before ever reaching anything.

They do the exact same thing day in day out. Taking out a cluster of civilians is probably worth an extra ration of vodka or even worse, a promotion, at this point.

Two wars of terror, if you want. Irony is stone cold dead at this point.

Microsoft still support AoE2 after all these years, while Activision more or less fucked the SC2 proscene so hard it's amazing it's still going as strong as it is.

Not to mention what they did to the classic WotLK launch. It couldn't get any worse than that.

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You want me to be civil towards Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson et. al.?

I say fuck that, and fuck them.

That's essentially exactly what he is.

You can sleep!? Shit, that's pure gold you got right there.

The only relevant answer is that nobody knows for sure. Ukraine is doing their very best but they're fighting not only Russia but also the combined effort of all the fuckwits that support Russia materially, i.e. China, Iran and North Korea etc. it's not exactly an easy position to be in, even if their tech is of lower quality than what we have in the west they're also able to churn out a lot more, and that shows.

On the other hand, it's pretty telling that Russia is resorting to what amounts to long range terror bombing in between human wave attacks. They used up a lot of manpower last summer, and it can't be easy to replace those losses. They do have access to a lot more human resources, but again, of dubious quality.

Russia is certainty hoping for another 4 years of the orange fuckwit in the White House though. That's where the real danger is. If that happens all bets are off.

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I agree with you on the papers (been following that story since it broke), and I'll agree that I probably would've offed myself in his position as well, but there were some pretty unprobable shit happening around his death unless I've been misled hard. I mean the guy was on suicide watch, wasn't he? It's at the very least suspect as hell that it happened like it did.

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You're completely correct, pneumatic sounded cooler. I know, I'm a complete scumbag.

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Are you sure you know any math, in general? You sure seem to like that phrase, yet you don't do any.

As for the rest, you might as well write in russian, because that's exactly what it sounds like - brainwashed russian bullshit. It's especially telling that you think that the European countries don't care what happens to Ukraine. That's such utter idiocy that it could only come from Russia.

"Grok" really says everything that needs to be said about this farce, isn't it?

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Mr Inbetween. The 8.7 on imdb is well earned.

As for Russia funding Hamas attack, that just sounds like insane propaganda, sorry.

Your posts on the matter reads like insane propaganda as well.

That's the problem, and this is not a reasonable solution.

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Thanks. These nurses are lovely at least.

You're projecting again.

Well said.