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Joined 3 months ago

Wild seeing this on a church. That's a nice change from what I normally see Christians spouting

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I use lazyvim and this is my experience in neovim as well. I don't think it's a weird place, it just puts the onus on the end-user to tailor their experience.

I have lots of Japanese family and friends, and none of them understand the horrors of WW2. As far as they were taught, America just randomly dropped nukes on them. They're mad because they think of Japan as a victim, not a monster that needed to be stopped. They raped and pillaged everyone who wasn't Japanese.

At least Germany teaches their kids about their atrocities in hopes that they never repeat it.

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Not sure if you've seen this.

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Mostly agreed. Historians and philosophers can argue ad nauseum about if the bombs were the only way to end the war, but we literally can't know. Some argue that everyone will listen to the emperor while others argue that they would fight to a long, drawn-out death, citing the coup that happened even after the Japanese saw the immense power of the bombs.

My comments just give insight into the ferocity with which they attack the movie. Japan doesn't teach their population about all of the war, the invasion of China and the Philippines, the rape of Nanjing...any of it. They are only taught that they were one day minding their own business when Americans destroyed two cities. It makes sense they don't want to consume this media.

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They won't. They'll probably march with maga, you know, being cops and all.

Wholeheartedly agree, history books are basically propaganda. Like, I it get if you don't want to get into the gory details of war, but if that's the case, why talk about murdering civilians at all.

Americans learn everything about the middle-eastern conflict from Sept. 11th, 2001 and on. They don't know anything of what happened before then, or why these evil bastards were so mad, etc.

Baby shot in, surprise, Arizona

This is why I just used immich instead; couldn't find a way to self-host ente. Maybe I'll give it a go again.

Well then they shouldn't be judges; no one said the job was easy.

Me, buying a 4070 super on the company's dime

I don't. It tells you, in clear language, the type of person that this "loving Christian" is. They literally can't imagine altruism, and that says more about them than what they think they're saying about me.

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The jury called him a word and that's supposed to mean something.

Insurrectionists literally got like 4 months in jail. A slap on the wrist; well, barely. Nothing's gonna happen to this fucking asshole.

I haven't downvoted you, and sucks that it's happening, but usually the "both sides" crowd don't understand that there isn't much nuance to their argument. For example, Nazis want to kill all non-aryans. Others, want to live. The compromise there is only kill some non-aryans. Is that something you're okay with?

If not, why do you think talking to Others would change the rhetoric on the Nazi side? There clearly one extremely bad side here, but that's an easy example. Real life is littered with less-extreme versions. For example, I saw an article the other day of someone who wouldn't sell their house to a woman of color after they finally met her. What a bunch of knobs.

I agree that culture and togetherness is the best way to cure these people. In general, I've started to see racism as a mental deficiency; it's something that could be treated. But what you're saying is tone deaf. "Go get yelled at by the far right, maybe you'll find common ground" is not an experience you've likely had to deal with i.e. your advice sounds like it comes from someone that hasn't dealt with virulent intolerance before. Sure, with someone you like, talk to them...get them mentally efficient again. But fuck off if you expect me to do that to strangers who have, for decades, bullied people like my friends to the point of depression and suicide. Understand that it takes a lot of time to deprogram someone, and you're not the one doing it. In fact, you want victims to do it.

Finally you said something that bothers me. "Don't shun the far right". You're right that we shouldn't ignore them. They should be monitored, closely, because they're dangerous. But stop giving fuckheads a platform. It's ridiculous that as a race, we've had to listen to all the town idiots berate and spew their hatred. Emotionally-immature people get caught up in their rhetoric before they've had the chance to grow into a decent human being, and by the time they're 35, it's too late; they're now the racist uncle at Thanksgiving. Americans have a laugh around the holidays, but deep down it's truly vile. And even if that uncle turns it around at 36, the damage has been done to countless people he's interacted with. "Oh but he's better now" just isn't good enough for his victims.

My kids aren't listening to all right-wing fuckheads, because I know they're not there yet, emotionally, to critically think about what the belligerents are on about. If you think your kids are special, great - good for you. But remember that every interview about a christofascist mass killing has their friends, family, and neighbors going on about how "he was a nice boy". The people selling this bile are much better at selling than others are critical thinking.

Oh awesome

Mines is mostly anecdotal - I grew up in Hawaii and became friends with a lot of Japanese nationals + my wife's family constantly has get-togethers in Japan or America. Thankfully there's several testimonies on Reddit and YouTube that I sadly can't reference because I'm on mobile.

I want to clarify as well, I'm not saying the Japanese are bad, I'm saying why Oppenheimer would spark outrage for Japan's general public. Some comments in this post could benefit from cultural context. It's not as simple as "haha people who got beat up don't want to watch the replay". It's tragic, and I get it.

As I said in a comment below, a country's history curriculum seems to always show the country as a winner, or the victim of an atrocity. Every country seems to be guilty of this to some degree, I just like how Germany handles it: "we did dumb shit, we're never doing it again, and here's why."

They're also scared of falling acorns. Squirrels are braver than them.

My thing is imports. Like, why, why do you delete it right after I typed it in and saved?

Gonna start calling it the Kansas flu

Holy shit

Which one was riding the horse

Whenever someone in a large truck is driving like an asshole I always think "wow he must be in a rush to go kiss his dad 😊"

Blocking problem YouTubers has been great for my mental health

As if regular people can afford whatever improvements happen

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Insulin was discovered over 100 years ago and it took policy, not improvements in manufacturing, to lower the price (which only happened last year).

In America, they don't get cheaper because it got easier to make.

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A monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors, what's the problem?

Can I interest you in this Vizio that doesn't work without Internet? It's so smart, if you don't have internet, you can't even stream from your computer through HDMI!

Where are you from I want in

Tell that to the mods

Just be better lmao

Wow a promotion; fancy!


Powertoys Run fails to index my apps, for some unknown reason. Works great when it works, other times it's bad.

They did really good at marketing. "If you don't use Apple, You're poor."

Here's the first picture I found on Google for the search "insulin prices worldwide"

I only know one 40 year old who started dumping everything into crypto (DCA, hasn't contributed to 401k or IRA in 15 years), but he even took lower pay to work on devops in crypto.

It's not everyone, but they exist.

What's the over/under on the judge just jailing the victims instead