
1 Post – 299 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Trump would show how genocide is done

It's needed for some shows like Big Bang Theory to know when a joke was " funny "

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I don't expect either to last 4 more years. Especially Trump.

If Trump does win and dies while destroying the world, imagine what younger dictator would follow...

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All that's missing is a swastika

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If he's such a valuable MAGA asset, why don't they hide him? It's not like rules apply to them.

I've seen a video where they did have cool pipes in the ceiling of a big building or skyscraper.

Tldr: the rooms will have pipes INSIDE the floors to cool rooms between 73-79F.

What about the humidity?

Cold floors + humidity = slippery wet floors

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Maybe women should just GTFO of Texas. Anything vag related and doctors won't want to do anything incase you're pregnant.

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The news organizations just want the crazy ratings it would generate.

If I were Biden, I wouldn't bother. Biden would be just be screwed over by the useless moderator. Trump would hog the whole debate

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I'll believe it when he's arrested like anyone else.

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Trust me. I'm an economist from Facebook University

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Start with the PPP loans given to members of Congress

Now she just needs to avoid those secret Chinese police stations throughout Canada.

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Imagine how often she would have been groped if the coup was successful?

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All these students needed to do is create a fake company and get a PPP loan. Then use tha money to pay their student loan. Lots of conservatives got PPP loans and any unpaid PPP loans were forgiven.


FYI: the 250M is the minimum penalty

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Too bad aluminum will oxides and cause black stains on the bed sheets

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10k markup? amateur!

Try 30K...70K...100K!


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Setting expectations..

This is why orange face was against "Antifa"

If it's so bad why doesn't she refuse the socialist healthcare provided by her job in Congress?

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I think the GOP would have to keep all their members in the house in case the democrats comes with a motion to name a speaker by themselves when there outnumber republicans in the house.

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He should have said nothing.

He may have just thrown the election

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maybe even see a movie, exchange dick pics..

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So double murder and illegal abortion too.

Yup. Bye bye sesame street

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Boy. The government that must silenced it's critics to remain in power must be really weak.

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Bet you NAZI parades will be permitted

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That's because cannabis was more popular with black people in the 70s. The racists used the cannabis laws against blacks because it gave them a bonner

Tldr version; blocking is too passive. Lets shadow ban them to the tar pits and make them our slaves

At least the billionaires will be safe so there's nothing to worry about.


I expect a surge of new users the next time Reddit squeezes their users. I expect Reddit to pull a YouTube.

This time, lemmy will be way more capable to handle a surge.

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Yes but it sets legal dominoes in motion in ALL of his cases.

The bail conditions in ALL his cases include not breaking any laws. Federal, state and local laws.

He's now charged with "contempt of court" so he should be getting more orange soon. 🤞

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There are only 3 federal judges in Florida So Trump has a 1-in-3 chance of getting Cannon

There are openings for more but when Biden tries to appoint one, the Republicans in Florida block it.

This way, Trump is more likely to get judge Cannon

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Oracle and Open in the same sentence?

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Pumpkin head does not qualify:

“A member of the Republican Leadership shall step aside if indicted for a felony for which a sentence of two or more years’ imprisonment may be imposed,” the Republican Conference Rules of the 118th Congress state.

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But it was pure schadenfreude for the MAGAs, Republicans and the forced-birthers.

Cruelty was the point.

There was another writer who did the same thing in the 60s or 70s. His book was called "Black like me"

He used melanin pills and makeup

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They'll attack because they fear no consequences. Or They'll attack because they lost.

Win or lose, the red hats will attack. They are mad because the hate box told them to be mad.

We should have killed Clippy in the 00s