A Russian Su-25 aircraft was reportedly shot down by a Russian Buk-M3 air defense system.

Wilshire@sopuli.xyz to Ukraine@sopuli.xyz – 139 points –

Source: https://t.me/kpszsu/8633


✈️ "Eternal flight, brother" - that's how they write in Russian publications!

I'm joining!

I can confidently say that the Russian Su-25 attack aircraft was not shot down by Ukrainian air defense! These are clear and coordinated actions of the Russian anti-aircraft fighters, for which they are greatly thanked by the entire Ukrainian people! ✊ Keep it up!

One less occupier, and one step closer to our victory! Minus one Su-25 of the occupiers. To be continued…

🇺🇦 Together - to victory!


To be fair, they probably confused it with a boeing 777. An easy mistake to make.

Hey, loading IFF keys is hard and he’s never been shot down by friendly fire before