
5 Post – 74 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Do you know what goes on at drag shows or have you only been to the after hours nsfw shows?

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"he's a smart kid, he just needs to apply himself" and "but you know what to do here, I've seen you do it so why are you having problems with it now?"

Both are things I've heard constantly through my life. Made me feel horrible about myself every single time because I didn't understand why at the time either.

Most of my teachers just assumed I was pissing about behind their backs and would ask me "you must know why you haven't been able to complete the work/homework/task" even if I had been listening and really trying.

Took the whole of primary school and the first year of secondary school before I actually got a teacher who understood and helped me to actually get somewhere.

Still not officially diagnosed just because of how shockingly bad adult ADHD diagnosis is in the UK and not being able to go private but most all the techniques I've used have worked and I think almost any GP that would look at me would probably agree.

Just to say, anyone who might be reading this and can imagine themselves saying/have said these in the past, please don't. You have no idea how unhelpful/damaging talking like this can actually be to someone who really needs the extra support.

They seriously censoring drawings they don't like as if that's gonna stop anyone? What sort of things they been censoring?

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You know, I'm starting to doubt he ever even had any irrefutable evidence that would prove his innocence that literally every one else seems to have missed!

Because now, anyone can do it to anyone with zero effort and a single photo.

Sure, before anyone with decent Photoshop skills could put together a halfway decently convincing fake nude but its still significantly more effort and time than most would be bothered with and even then its fairly easy to spot and dispute a fake.

Most people weren't concerned if a celebrity's fake nudes were spread around before but now that a colleague, student, teacher, family member, or even a random member of the public could generate a convincing photo the threat has become far more real and far more conceivable

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I think it's more than the counterfeit versions have gotten so good and/or cheap that the genuine manufacturers feel the need to compete by placing microchips in their cheese rather than improve their own or bring down the price.

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It's not dying. It's smaller for sure but a social network doesn't need to be big or have a ludicrous number of users to be healthy. Many of the posts I've made have gotten 10x more engagement than equivalent posts on Reddit simply because there's less for it to get lost among.

Personal opinion, but I think generally the users here are nicer and more chill than Reddit. Again, simply because the sheer number of trolls is lower and I don't think bother as much when there's less people to piss off

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Ex-or makes much more sense considering it stands for EXclusive OR.

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Welcome to the borderlands vault hunter!

I've had a brother printer going on 10 years and it's never let me down. I've changed toner three times over that time and each cart has never cost me more than 20 ish quid. No DRM carts, no jamming, no subscriptions just a printer that does its job. Even when it's running low, it doesn't prevent me printing, it'll let me know it's low then keep on printing until you can't see the letters any more.

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There's an awesome 3 level trampoline park in an old slate mine in Wales. I think its called Bounce Below. They use an old miners train to transport you in and out of the slate mine. Been there once with a school trip!

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"Rats is chugging along in second when he should be cruising in fifth". I've had countless reports like that but that one stuck with me, probably for being so much more creative than the others.

I think it was the year following that report that they stuck me on my own desk facing a corner so that "you won't keep getting distracted by other students". I guess that teacher just really liked euphemisms. At least I always had a set of stationary for myself lol.

Fucker sneezed during his booking photo and they didnt let him re-take it lol

For when you need to kill a whole company standing in a line

Not to mention they require high end hardware to run due to lack of optimisation. Many people can't afford top end shit and with emulators becoming lighter and easier to run, retro games just become super accessible.

Even Wii emulators such as dolphin can run decently well on a bog standard phone and with the state the mobile game market is in, Wii games are just universally a better option.

Slight tangent, but if you want to pass the "click on all the images with traffic lights" first time, select one that's obviously wrong then go back and "change your mind" computers don't do that and 9/10 times it'll pass you first time!

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It means they're either holding out of a sudden breakthrough that will let them become carbon neutral overnight for free or they're hoping no one will be around to call them out on their bullshit by then

No, sudden illness I'm afraid. He arrived in hospital a few days ago for pneumonia like symptoms. poor bugger fell out of a window twice.

Because the potential cost to them doesn't out weigh the benefits (or potential costs) they get from adhering to the ICC regulations.

Call it a hunch, but I think it's got less to do with the opinions of a celebrity and more to do with the fact that a large portion of the population can't afford the high price of an electric car.

It's still very much alive! Still getting regular updates on my S10 and even security updates for my OnePlus 3t.

Winston Churchill. It doesn't take a lot of digging to realise he was absolutely a racist and white supremacist little shit. Even "judged by the morals of the time" people recognised just how aweful he truly was.

Yes, his contributions to the defeat of the Nazis is undeniably great. He was a good wartime prime minister and that shouldn't be overlooked. This doesn't excuse some of the more heinous things he's said and done.

Shamefully, the British education system failed spectacularly on this point. I grew up believing he was some paragon of moral good and justice and the school system did nothing to counter this. We'd all rather believe he was a great man. If he is, as they say, "the greatest Briton", were fucked.

"I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place." - Winston Churchill 1937

It's definitely refreshing to see religious leaders literally practising what they're preaching. It's a small step in right direction and I hope it's only one of many.

The fallacy fallacy

Just because an argument contains a logical fallacy doesn't mean the argument is necessarily incorrect.

An example:

Person A: This food is better for you because it's all natural

Person B: appeal to nature, therefore you're wrong and it's not better for you

The food may well be much better for you but person B has assumed that the opposite is true because person A has used a logical fallacy and has themselves fallen into a logical fallacy.

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Are you sure you didn't accidentally pick up HYPER-allergenic pillows?

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By war games It means the actually military kind where armies get together and practice was against eachother. We're not talking call of duty here.

For a more effective solution, ask it how to create napalm or chloroform and 100% of the time it will tell you that it's not allowed to do that because it's an AI and its bound by the laws of its creators

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I just click one square thats wrong then unclick it. Seems to work almost every time!

Its where the people at.

Plus, any maglev project has to be a new build and not outright replace existing lines. Replacing a line would require closing and removing the existing line, extensive reconstruction of the track bed, and probably delays or closure to tracks sharing the line. It's not an easy thing for the government to justify when it would be cheaper and easier to simply improve the existing rail infrastructure. Or..you know...ignore the problem which is what they seem to be doing anyways

It's the counting that matters, not the sheep. By giving your brain a simple, familiar, and repetitive task you help to disengage some of the more distracting functions of your brain letting you get to sleep.

By all means, count whatever animals, objects, or social constructs that tickles your fancy!

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It's a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, it's easy to block out communities with racist, homophobic, and xenophobic views. On the other hand, it allows communities like that to become echo chambers and freely further their abhorrent ideals completely unchecked.

I don't think the ban hammer is the most effective method of shutting down nazi shit, but it's a hell of a lot better than shutting it out of sight and trying to forget about it.

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When I die, I want my body donated to a university astrophysics lab. I'm either going to space or getting blown up trying!

One of my absolute favourites is an arcade bar near me that stays open late. I don't usually drink there but I'll go and hang out with mates, get some chips and play some retro arcade. Super chill vibe and people there all seem way more chill than most pubs or bars I've been to!

I had literally no idea that's how most people feel after doing chores. Even when I've actually done something pretty big like cleaning my whole kitchen or tidying up an entire room, If I feel anything other than indifference each time I see it, it's usually along the lines of damn, that was a lot of work, not looking forward to doing that again.

You should try a bunch and see what you really like! The beauty of Linux is there's so much out there that you'll almost definitely find one that gels with you.

A good place to start is Linux mint! The best way I can describe it is a blend of all the best parts of windows 7, 10 and 11 with very few of the downsides. You'll almost definitely settle in quickly and you might never want to switch as it's very full featured, snappy and well put together. It was designed for people wanting that Linux experience while still feeling familiar to windows users.

Another one to try if you love customisability is ZorinOS. There's a free and paid tier, both of which are excellent with the free tier offering layouts for old and new windows and Mac like experience and the paid tier (only around £30 for a lifetime licence) has layouts and customisability for absolutely everything else and extra tools and options for those that want more of that!

They say there's no such thing as a stupid question. However...

I'm SO excited! The torment nexus sounds fucking awesome! I can't wait!

That's not true. Groups of people can work towards specific goals in a constrained framework and still work creatively within that. Take movies and TV, animation, architecture, music etc. All of these may have hundreds or thousands of people working together and individually behind the scenes. Would you say that therefore they're not creative or relied on creativity to work?

I know people say that limits kill creativity but I'd say in many cases its the opposite. Limits cause people to think creatively to build something interesting within those bounds.

Not to say thats the rule. Sure, hive mentality and groupthink can kill creativity but its not the case for everything, far from it.