Russia Fines Google For Not Deleting 'False Information' About War In Ukraine to – 91 points –
Russia Fines Google For Not Deleting 'False Information' About War In Ukraine

LOL. What is Putin gonna do about it? Invade the interwebs?

I've read on the Google that his dick fell off when he played with it too much in front of his buddies in the Kremlin.

Cut the connection to the rest of the world.

"Oh, no, please don't. We would be devastated to lose connection to such a wonderful group of people." - rest of the world

Current article text doesn’t seem to match the post image. The fine is closer to 51 million than 51 billion USD.

4.6 billion rubles ($50.8 million)

Why don't the ruscist fucks just cut themselves off from the rest of the internet? And while they're at it they might want to start considering just cutting themselves off from the rest of the world, would make it a better place

They are trying to. They'd love to be cut off the internet.

If they succeed, they can manipulate the russian population into thinking anything the Kremlin wants them to think.

Like they have tried with, with starving Europeans, or with Europeans being cold in the winter. Or even we have not enough food.

Guess they have this for your country too, with a twist.

Russia is so great!!1! NATO is attacking us!1!! Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc.

Oh yeah, for us it's "Finland was manipulated by the US into joining NATO" and that we're somehow a threat to Russia now. The fact that we're next door to genocidal maniacs who just invaded one of their neighboring countries again obviously had nothing to do with joining NATO, right?

The only reason we didn't join a lot sooner was our idiotic appeasement policy with Russia – at least with the Soviets it was more understandable since they were a lot more powerful than Russia, but once the "union" collapsed we should have joined NATO tout de fuckin' suite, just like a lot of the other countries that the Russians have raped and murdered their way through over the centuries.

I'm the first generation in my family for over 100 years who hasn't had to either fight the Russians or dodge their agents because someone in the family dared to oppose them. So far, at least…

My dude I'm 100% with you.

Born and raised in Sweden, we have always been with the west, facilitating USA using our country if needed (runways...) and sig spying for USA since the fucking fifties.

But too bloody weak hearted to actually subscribe to the idea that democracy (etc.) is actually worth fighting for.

I went living in France but, have a hug from an ancient neighbour 💖 !


And fuck Russia, and glory to Ukraine.