In your opinion, what's the age limit for Trick r Treating? to – 152 points –

My sister is 23 and still dresses up and goes out knocking doors for candy... and I find it weird but I let her do her. It got me thinking, at what age do you think someone should stop Trick r Treating at? Just curious.


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Honestly, I don't really set an age limit. I won't judge people who are out for fun. I've been there, there's not much to do around where I live.

That being said though... Regardless of your age, if you costume up, you're likely to get more candy from me. (I'll also offer candy to parents and older siblings who aren't taking part because I'm cool like that. Just don't stick chocolate bars in your pockets LMAO)

Yeah if you have a costume on, that's all I need to know

If you don't have a costume, I'll use the special bowl of candy full of Almond Joy's..

Asking joys are the fucking best, real punishment is Hershey or candy corn/circus peanuts