CNN Host Left Stunned As IDF Confirms Israel Hit Refugee Camp With Airstrike to World – 682 points –

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer seemed at a lost of words at the justification being used to bomb a refugee camp in Gaza.


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To be fair, you don't know they can't defeat them. Vietnam won against the United States. This kind of fascist state can't last by definition. I only hope it implodes sooner rather than later.

Glad you've been on the side of defending apartheid and genocide. Cool chat.

To be fair, you don’t know they can’t defeat them. Vietnam won against the United States. This kind of fascist state can’t last by definition. I only hope it implodes sooner rather than later.

True, but at this point I find it very unlikely. The US wasn't fighting for its right to exist in Vietnam, there is nowhere for Israelis to withdraw to. This conflict is existential to them.

Glad you’ve been on the side of defending apartheid and genocide. Cool chat.

Genocide: if you mean genocide, as in driving people from their lands, Palestinian-aligned forces practiced that as well in this conflict--when their side annexed Jordan and Jerusalem. By this definition you would be defending those who are genocidal as well.
If you mean genocide as in eradicating an ethnic or religious group, that's more Hamas' thing, as I have illustrated above.

Apartheid: you're ignoring all the Arab-Israeli citizens, who are not kept legally separated and have the same rights as every other citizen there. Their existence makes your accusation of apartheid not make sense. This is clearly about safety and not racial discrimination on the Israeli side.

Cool chat.

Alright I was going to disengage but holy shit.

You're going to go against Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, B'Tselem, Nelson fucking Mandela, among plenty of others, saying it's an Apartheid? Come on, dude.