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Joined 9 months ago

I fucking hate the conflation of anti-semetism and anti-zionism, man.

13 more...

Deplorable isn't literally de-humanizing.

I want to imagine the real world would freak the fuck out the way some objects in a game engine do when you mash them together.

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How much more do they need against a cornered population? Jesus fucking Christ dude.

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Many Palestinian prisoners aren't charged with crimes and have "secret evidence" held against them. Given Israel's track record of lying and colonialist activity, I'll leave you to decide if they actually do have that evidence.

On top of that, the vast majority of the actual crimes are incredibly minor like rock throwing, and it doesn't matter if you're a child. The conditions and treatment in Israel prisons for Palestinians is incredibly grim as well.

There's a thin vaneer of an unjust legal framework, and the aims of Israel aren't as explicit to hold them for trade, but they're a whole lot closer to being hostages than most people care to admit.

22 more...

You realize Israel is controlling the prison in reality, right?

Hamas doesn't shoot Palestinians that go to far off the coast, Israel does.

Hamas didn't erect a huge border wall around Gaza, Israel did.

Hamas doesn't control the supply of food, water, and goods into Gaza. Israel does.

Who controls Gaza?

15 more...

We've got an unsinkable aircraft carrier over there just for this! War is very cool. /s

Tell me this, place yourself in the shoes of an average Gazan at the age of 18. With all the destruction, violence, and oppression you've witnessed, would you not become a "terrorist" against your oppressor? There won't be an end to Hamas without an end of the abysmal material conditions and violence. Hamas was literally funded and legitimized by Israel to manufacture consent for their ethnic clensing campaign.

They will continue to blockade as long as Palestinians exist, I gaurentee it.

31 more...

And go where? You have them surrounded you disengenous monsters.

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In a vague sense kind of? It follows the mission progression but that's mostly it.

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You mean the people that complain about minor details like, I don't know... ethnic cleansing, genocide, tens of thousands of civilian deaths, settler terrorism, white phosphorus, civilian infrastructure being leveled, journalists murdered.

Just little things that get us all riled up.

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It's almost like the government calling them subhuman beasts isn't concerned about genociding civilians over a land grab.

It's closer to 80 years old, just after WW2 with the zionist movement.

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They're literally doing final solution shit in front of our eyes. Comparing them to the Nazis (a fascist ethnic supremecist nation on their genocide arc) absolutely stands.

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If the civilian population was responsible for government actions, the United States should have been nuked decades ago.

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Man good point. Glad the Israelis aren't using any weapons that are disproportionately more effective on a captive populace. The prisoners shouldn't fight back against their oppressor through whatever desperate means they have available. Please die and suffer in silence, Palestinians.

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I mean, the US does have access to the money and weapons faucet Israel relies on.

You understand a large portion of the population wasn't born at the time of that election, right?

You understand that election was forced by the US, right?

You understand the US failed to coup Hamas and solidified their power, right?

You think little babies should be blown to bits over an election 17 years ago right?

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~50% of Gaza is under 18.

Think it through bud, you can do it.

(also I love how if I don't cite sources on everything I'm automatically wrong because it doesn't confirm to the propoganda you've been fed lmao)

Hey what large nation is allied with Saudi Arabia again?

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I really hope you're just too stupid to realize this as genocide denial instead of malicious.

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I love her

This is not a religious conflict. It's imperialist and settler colonial. This headass take needs to stop.

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Ah yes, because the current bombing campaign against civilians and civilian infrastructure has been very humanitarian. So glad Israel has been showing "restraint". Never mind the white phosphorous too, very legal and very restrained.

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There's so many problems with this take.

  • I absolutely sympathize with the Vietnamese cause during that war. The United States were LITERALLY the invaders and deserved retaliation / defense.
  • Gaza has been an open air prison for 16 years, with horrifying material conditions, which is precisely WHY the average age is 18. Here's a short that explains them as concisely as I've seen. I would 100% sympathize with Japanese or Jewish terrorism under that level of barbarity. Also, to be clear, those camps in all those situations were wrong. Are you defending them?
  • West Bank, which has no Hamas, is still an apartheid state where the people who are acting with the Israelis are STILL GETTING FUCKED OVER by Israel and subjected to settler colonial terrorism.
  • Obviously I don't like terrorism as a method, but at a certain point, it becomes the only option. Peaceful protests have been met with bullets and international silence. See the Great March of Return, 13,000 Palestinians wounded and 1,400 killed. What's the lesson there do you think?

This is primarily not a religious conflict, it's territorial and racial.

Please tell me you would be super chill with having your home stolen by some fucking white guy from Brooklyn because the newly formed government wants to form an ethnostate, because I sure fucking wouldn't be.

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I'm not going to get fully bogged down in the semantics, but Israel still basically controls the Egypt border.

The US forced a vote, didn't like the outcome, attempted to coup Hamas, and failed. Also, if Hamas is so bad (which they are in many respects), why does Israel fund them and explicitly has a policy of only interacting with them as being the legitimate government?

Easy, they want an unsympathetic enemy that does not want peace. They want to continue the project of taking the rest of Israel for the ethnostate.

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Moderate candidates split the vote, and exit polls at the time showed like 80% of people wanted to work toward peace.

They also ran on being anti corruption and pious, and the other candidates absolutely had corruption issues.

They aren't doing roofknocking during this war, and that's such a thin justification to obliterate peoples homes I'm shocked you're repeating it.

Why are there pogroms and settlers being armed in the west bank? There is no Hamas there, it isn't Gaza. What gives?

They literally blasted a whole ass refugee camp killing hundreds yesterday to kill one guy (aledgedly), and are fully blasting all civilian infrastructure. You're either blind, misinformed, or a disingenuous hack.

16 more...

By cutting off food, electricity, water, and escape from their concentration camp? Doing that to 2 million people is "defending itself"? This is genocide.

Also, if you're American, you should understand how deeply unpopular candidates can win elections. Hell, plenty don't even need a popular vote!

10 more...

Ah, I figured it out.

Malicious, stupid, and zero empathy reserved exclusively for Israelis. Keep Yourself Safe.

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You're aware of the existence of lying, right?

Why not? They're a great source unless they're reporting on something related to Qatar's own government / interests.

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  • Those numbers are what has been used by most countries before this genocide started, including Israel and the US (and still do)
  • Something like 40% of buildings have been destroyed in Gaza since last week (it's certainly more now)
  • Hamas is the governing body, everything is technically under Hamas. That's like me saying "I don't trust the CDC or HHS because I don't trust an imperialist terrorist United States".
  • It's not hard to find all kinds of footage of blown up children and buildings, use your fucking eyes if the other bits of logic are too difficult for you.
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That would necessitate Israel not engaging in state / settler-colonial terrorism, and that isn't happening.

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Give Gaza an Iron Dome!

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Maybe. But I'm referring to the United States.

Pot calling the kettle black and all that.

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Look, you're obviously a debate pervert. I'm not going to engage your entire diatribe, but a few things to note...

The blowback was the Hamas attack. The Israelis are the ones who created and have control over the conditions. The attack was the response. History did not start on Oct 7th.

This is an imperfect example, but if you mistreat a dog for long enough and it lashes out, who is at fault?

If it was religious, why would they be sterilizing Ethiopian jews?

If I'm a Palestinian, and I become a convert, can I join Israel?

What percent of Isreal has a Jewish faith, and what percent is non-religious?

Split between 4 charities. I'd have to assume the lion's share would go toward Gaza.