Audacity 3.4 Released with Music Workflows, New Exporter, and More to – 88 points –
Audacity 3.4 Released with Music Workflows, New Exporter, and More - 9to5Linux

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Did they ever fix that issue from a while back where they started collecting personal data on users?

There was a Lemmy post with a video about how things have changed, which I even commented on, but I can't find anymore.

What I remember was that yes they did address most of the concerns. There were some issues still (unrelated to data collection iirc), and there's one other fork that's being maintained if you don't want that

Edit: I think the was the video, I don't want to watch it again but I'll link my TLDW if I find it:

That is the real question. Would like to recommend the program to people again.

Tenacity is a fork designed to address those concerns, and it is mostly beyond fork growing pains at this point