National Association of Realtors CEO steps down, days after the trade group was found liable for conspiracy to inflate rates to – 265 points –
National Association of Realtors CEO steps down, days after real estate group found liable for conspiring to inflate rates | CNN Business

Bob Goldberg, chief executive officer of the National Association of Realtors, the nation’s largest trade association, is stepping down, the organization announced Thursday.


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This is why they've been running nonstop ads about their "code of ethics" and how they help the community. The ads have been run practically on loop for several weeks in English and Spanish. At first I was just like, what a joke, tell that to 2007. But then it was just getting weird how often the ads would I know why. They must have known this was coming to light.

PR is a profitable business to be in. There's always someone or some company that needs to rehabilitate their public image.

Eh, worked in advertising and pr for a decade, it’s as soul crushing and immoral as being a lawyer, but for 1/4 the pay.

I'm sure someone somewhere is making a pretty penny on spinning this stuff