We're really short today

The Picard Maneuver@startrek.website to Memes@sopuli.xyz – 462 points –

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Someone at work got me sick the other week and I suffered. Stay home if you're sick.

That's a good point. However I see a lot of younger people calling out sick when they aren't really sick

It goes both ways, if a company treats their employees like shit they get more sick days, then they start firing people and the downward spiral continues.

It's a good sign, the young people have seen their parents being put through the grinder and some think No more!

That's very selfish of them. They are lazy and can't stand the thought of hard honest work. I don't expect people to do that there whole lives but when you are younger it builds character.

Then show me a company providing some hard honest work with a livable wage, full pension and care and a good boss, and you will find some happy workers.

If you give people pennies and kick them around and somehow believe they will love the hard honest work?