Fuck Cars Rule

Scurvotron@lemmy.blahaj.zone to 196@lemmy.blahaj.zone – 492 points –

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without actually engaging with the points I’ve made

You have made one. "but socialism" but in your own words. That somehow it would mean feeling entitled to something from your peers. That imo is nothing but a feeling, which i guess you're entitled to feel.

Not your best slogan yet.

"except in the US" would've been a bit too on the nose, i thought.


That imo is nothing but a feeling

Oh look! More minimizing, and dismissal! Not an actual argument.

What are you going to do next? Call my perspective weird and detached again?

which i guess you're entitled to feel.

Oh you guuuuuess I'm entitled to feel 🤣 Thank you for being so gracious as to bestow onto me your blessing that I'm allowed to feel feelings about the world.

Anyways I'm done. You're incredibly transparent in the way you attempt to manipulate/provoke emotions, and I'm just done with that petty crap. If that's what you consider a discussion, I'll leave you to it.


I offered you many opportunities to present arguments, which you didn't take. Or maybe I just don't understand you.

Have a good one anyway.