1 Post – 121 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Dude... The VAST VAST VAST VAST VAST majority of indigenous aren't out there "protecting lands", and have no more connection to nature then you or I.

Nice casual racism though!

And that other 90% of humanity is working to industrialize to get where we are. It's a massive issue that as far as I'm aware we have no solution to.

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Probably because banning people based purely on political ideology is kind of facist 😝

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Beehaw is some pseudo moral purity echo chamber. They consider anyone with a contrary opinion a troll. People create these "safe spaces" under the guise of protecting minority groups, but fuck.. I'm a minority, and I knew immediately I wasn't going to be welcome there.

People are free to judge it as they please.


Why aren't other instances having this problem? Like if trolls and spam are such an issue, why do I only see relevant on topic comments in other instances?

T he issue isn't trolls, it's political dissent. And if you care about the truth, if you care about having the ability to talk about and express your ideas freely to other people, to have uncomfortable discussions with people you disagree with, to be exposed to new ideas, and fuck.. to possibly even change your mind, you shouldn't support beehaw.

If you genuinely want that type of environment, go for it, but that place should be called out for what it is.

This type of political authoritianism is why I left Reddit. It kills discussion, and I'm here for critical discussion.

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What side jab? Showing men can face similar issues is a side jab?

Why can't things be compared?

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I think it's fucking weird the comic attempted to differentiate indigenous from the rest of humanity so that's specifically what I'm taking issue with.

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Then this is a good opportunity for you to check your confirmation bias. You and I both know you're not replying to me with a coconut radio.

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Lol! So this won't get to OP, but if you're ever in this position, call their bluff and submit something to the labour board.

Even if you don't win, if this is a corporation the company is going to HATE the manager just for being put in that position.

Even if it's privately owned, no owner wants to be put in that position.

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Oh yeah, remember that box office failure that no one talked about? Magic Mike? I hope Channing Tatum's ego has recovered.

This is not authoritarianism, in this case they said it is due to their inability to moderate.

Rationally I think this is straight bullshit. Their inability to moderate is because of the desire to control the political direction of topics. If people want an echo chamber, fine, but I'm calling it out.

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Dude... Like....


I don't know how to phrase this, but Reddit was getting filled with... Normal people? Nongeeks? The socially adept?

I'm sooo glad to be back with silly peeps. I missed that sense of critical self awareness haha. And I've been able to express some controversial opinions without getting locked and banned, which is mellowing as fuck.

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Seems like a scarecrow argument to me.

Love the transparency 💜

Definitely not haha! But that's not a bad thing. Lemmy feels less addicting.

The ones coming up with truly radical, meaningful, workable solutions will be from groups more marginalized than I.

Based on what?

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I just don't care 🙌

I seriously couldn't give two fucks about supporting influencers or tech companies. Uploaders can pay for the infrastructure for all I care. Like people use to host websites out of passion, now everything is about profits, and politics, why would I want to support that? Why should I give two fucks about making someone else rich?

Fuck that shit. You can get cracked copies of the YouTube App that give a much better experience.

ENBY Anarchist here. I'll gladly take my ban.

🤟😊🖕 🏳️‍🌈 Facist

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I think it's hypocritical.

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Anyone can critique society.

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Does it offer SMS?

Because I'm not going to ask someone to download an app so I can talk to them.

Fuck this place is too hilarious 😆

we need to listen to these marginalized communities.

Dude... Why are you speaking as if you're not indigenous now?

and that it is likely that even my best of ideas will be lacking in intersectional analysis that is needed to develop real, powerful solutions.

It turns out the solution to global warming was friendship all along 🌈

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Other people seem to have no issue understanding. I think my coconut comment was on point, and the fact that you responded referencing Luddites shows I've explained myself perfectly fine.

What specifically don't you understand about me saying I think this is hypocritical?

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I don't take it to be criticising women's issues, but rather the bias.

Any advice on how I can remove beehaw from my all feed in Jabora?

I find these types of environments produce echo chambers where suddenly I'm not even able to give my perspective on gender as a nonbinary person because it goes against some mainstream perspective.

I have other reasons, but yeah 😝 Fuck mods trying to control politics, I want free discussions, otherwise I'd just stay on Reddit lmao!

If anyone can give me instructions on how to remove beehaw that'd be greatly appreciated.


Also if anyone can recommend any instances for open discussion!!

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That's not why voat is full of racists. Voats population surges came from racist Reddit communities getting banned. This is the first time there's been a reason for other people to migrate off the site.

Noble Savage shit.

THAT'S the term! Thank you! It was reminding me of the Mystical Blackman trope.

I'm just gonna stop and bitch for a second. As friggen disappointing as it is to see left leaning individuals adopt bigioted attitudes, do you know what the real disappointment is? All the people that don't say something. All the people that don't do something.

People will sit there and talk about bringing down the system, about how horrible the right is, "eat the rich" and all that. They'll post memes everyday about challenging the status quo, but when push comes to shove it's crickets.

Meanwhile I'm getting ready to kamakazi my latest social group for the umpteenth time because someone in the group was intentionally violating the personal space of another. I know no one is going to have my back.

People talk a lot lately about the paradox of tolerance and use that as justification for censoring certain political opinions. The problem isn't tolerance though, it's the silence. It's people not wanting to make themselves uncomfortable, or unpopular.

-ninja edit-

After some discussions with chatGPT what im describing relates to "The Spiral of Silence"

The phenomenon you are describing is known as the "spiral of silence." The spiral of silence theory, proposed by German political scientist Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann in the 1970s, explains how public opinion is formed and how individuals may withhold expressing their views if they perceive them to be in the minority. This theory is often applied to political and social contexts, including the rise of ideologies like fascism.

In the context of fascism or any other controversial ideology, the spiral of silence suggests that when people believe their opinions are not widely supported, they tend to remain silent and refrain from expressing their views publicly. This silence, in turn, can create an illusion that the majority supports the prevailing ideology, even if it might not be the case. As a result, individuals who disagree with the ideology might feel isolated and discouraged from speaking out, contributing to the seeming growth and acceptance of the ideology.

Several factors contribute to the spiral of silence phenomenon:

  1. Fear of isolation: People often fear social isolation or rejection, so they may choose to keep their dissenting opinions to themselves to avoid potential negative consequences.
  1. Perceived social norms: Individuals may gauge the acceptability of their views by observing the prevailing opinions within their social circles and in the media. If they believe their views deviate significantly from the perceived norm, they are more likely to remain silent.
  1. Amplification of dominant views: When a particular ideology gains prominence and is amplified through media coverage or dominant social groups, people may perceive its support to be more significant than it actually is.
  1. Social media echo chambers: Online platforms can exacerbate the spiral of silence by creating echo chambers where people are exposed only to like-minded opinions, leading them to believe their views are in the minority.

The spiral of silence can hinder healthy democratic discourse, as it suppresses the diversity of opinions and prevents the exchange of ideas. Overcoming this phenomenon requires fostering an environment that encourages open dialogue, respect for diverse perspectives, and protection for free speech. By promoting inclusivity and ensuring that people feel comfortable expressing their opinions without fear of retribution, societies can better counter the rise of ideologies like fascism and encourage constructive debates on important issues.


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I'm a queer anarchist 😂 It's not that complicated. And yeah.. You start telling people they need to aggressively support something or get out.. I'm calling you facist.

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I'm no doctor, but what you're describing would be consistent with ADHD.

So a bunch of men experience the same thing completely independently from each other, and you're here just assuming there aren't systemic processes at play? Like do you just think men have some biological affinity for suits and ties? or Jeans and T-shirts? Or it's just a coincidence or what? Like we live in a world of cause and effect, everything you see in society is a matter of systemic influences.

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Bad in what respect?

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She just fail the test!

Metaverse IS Big Tech 😂🤣🤣🤣

Fuck... I never thought about indigenous Europeans. Does this mean Brexit was technically an anti-colonism movement?

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What about something like talking about LGBTQ grooming? Like I'm queer, I'm nonbinary, I date other queer nonbinaries, and some of these people have kids, and I've had a nonbinary parent tell me they want their kid to be queer, and I've seen them pressure, and push their kid into Pride events.

A lot of people would consider me expressing myself in the way I just did hate speech, and I've been banned from subreddits for expressing it, which I think is absurd. I should be able to talk about my experiences regardless of the political implications.

Like just typing this I have that anxiety I'm setting myself up for a ban, and I don't think I've don't anything wrong aside from expressing a contrary opinion. I feel a moral imperative to talk about this stuff, it doesn't come out of malice.

There exists biases and discrimination against men, but nothing that does so using the structure of a system and through institutional power.

So you wouldn't actually consider societal pressures against men as misandry? You wouldn't consider the structures that force men to disregard their own emotions to take on provider roles as misandry. You don't see men commiting sucide at 3 times the rate of women significant enough of a qualifier? You don't see how influences like these connect back to men having to be "hard". You don't see how men are used and disregarded by society? Like I am literally missing a piece of my body, and it's just socially accepted.

Like men aren't just in power, men are pushed towards power.

And... I just realized you acknowledge toxic masculinity. So toxic masculinity does effect all men, on societial and institutional levels, which fits your definition of misandry.

[...] biases and discrimination against men [...] using the structure of a system and through institutional power.

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Its not that I don't consider it to be misandry its that its not systemic against men as a class. It is not a power structure

But.. toxic toxic masculinity is systemic against men as a class, and it does operate on the level of societial and institutional pressures. That fits the critia for a power structure.

And 99% of men are not "the ruling class", so I just don't see why you would even make that generalization. Especially when the vast majority of issues we talk about are dependent on societial norms, not institutional structures.

Is that the crux of your argument? Until women hold the balance of leadership roles systemic misandry isn't a thing?

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Do you have a source? I think this is possibly a misunderstanding. Australia's aboriginals did controlled burns, but Australia's desert predates humans (from my research).

While saying that indigenous people are inherently more connected to nature is at best iffy however I think the point the comic was trying to make is that on a general basis indigenous are (or were depending on how much of their culture and history has been destroyed) more knowledgeable of the lands that they have been inhabiting. More specifically compared to the colonisers that invaded their land.

I see this as racist rhetoric, and I think the point of the comic was to be divisive. It's not that I don't understand the reasoning, it's that I'm looking at it from a step back.

Like if I made an anti-crime meme, and tossed in that blackmen are convicted, and charged with more crimes, the racism would be a lot more apparent because it's promoting negative bias towards blacks.

But this shit isn't any less racist, it's just more palatable.