Trillium Notes to – 93 points –
GitHub - zadam/trilium: Build your personal knowledge base with Trilium Notes

I've been using Obsidian for a long time. I enjoy it and all of its extensions. However setting up the app and syncthing on all of my systems gets irritating.

Any way, after a little looking around, I found Trillium notes. It doesn't quite have all the extensions, but is easier to setup. Give it a look, see what you think


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Trillium is my personal choice for self-hosted notes. I haven't really had issues with using it on mobile, but I also just tend to put the stuff I think of when I'm out and about into a single note that I periodically go through and reorganize. It's been good to me so far, and it has all of the features I really need. If I need something fancier (or public-facing), I toss it in BookStack instead. Then again, I don't use either of them for business (mostly for tabletop RPG stuff and instructions to friends/family about using the other stuff I self-host), so if that's your application, I have no clue how it holds up.

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