How much does it matter where my domain registrar is located?

Mr. to – 49 points –

Edit, Solved in comments ๐Ÿ‘Œ

I want to buy a domain name for personal usage (reverse proxy, selfhosting serivces). I'll probably go with a general purpose .net or my country specifc one. I am based in Northern Europe.

  • Does it matter based on where I am located where the domain is registered?
  • Any recommendations for domain registrars in that regard?



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Fair point. I failed to mentioned features in my previous comment. Things like WHOIS Privacy are essential to me and I imagine it is for most of us (self hosters)

Any registrar worth their salt will offer whois privacy and local representative services nowadays. I would not use a registrar that wasn't capable of them โ€” even if my domain didn't require either, I would take it as a sign their services are limited and sub par.

Absolutely agree! Just pointing it out in case OP runs into a registrar that doesnโ€™t offer this