The best MMOs in 2023 - PCGamer to – 32 points –
The best MMOs in 2023

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I don't know. As a fan of the genre there seems to be renewed interest from some very grass roots developers. I would have agreed with your take in 2020, but in 2023 we have announcements of:

  • the Riot MMO
  • Ashes of Creation
  • The Ghost studios MMO

These are all still in development, some still in the very early stages. But I would say there appears to be renewed interest in the genre by developers. These projects are major investments by industry veterans. There is more hope for a major new than there has been in the last decade.

There has always been a steady stream of "promising" MMOs from smaller developers over the past couple decades. So that's not really a new phenomenon.

As for the Riot MMO, I'll believe that when they actually have something that people can play.

AoC will fail in the eyes of mmo players since it cannot possibly live up to the hype.