Mass Murder Is a Choice. The Gun Industry Made It to politics – 582 points –
Mass Murder Is a Choice. The Gun Industry Made It

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sacred, should be respected

that means anything

That’s implied when you say “just ignore them.”

No it isn't

You do NOT have the option of ignoring a branch of government defined by the Constitution.

Yes you do. It's been done before.

Anymore than you can choose to ignore the Executive or Legislative branches.

Yes fuck those branches as well but this is off topic

Wow, so you essentially have absolutely no idea how our system of government works.

Good luck with "just ignore it" if you ever end up in court, I guarantee that will not go well for you.

You should crack a history book before you start spouting off about how other people don't know things. When someone tells you something has been done in the past, it's kinda dumb to just spout off "that's not how that works!" with such a smug, sophomoric attitude.

Cite your sources then if you're so confident. Show me when someone has told the Supreme Court to piss off and gotten away with it.

You don't get to just say "yeah they have" and just drop it.

They are the SUPREME court. There is no higher authority in US law.


Which is on track to repeat itself here:

Telling the Supreme Court "No, I don't think I will" is not an option.

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