Chair of Party That Lost Big on Abortion Says 'We Can Win' on Abortion to politics – 239 points –
Chair of Party That Lost Big on Abortion Says 'We Can Win' on Abortion

EVEN AFTER SUFFERING multiple state-wide losses on the issue, the Republican Party is not backing down on abortion, party chair Ronna McDaniel said.

“I’m proud to be a pro-life party, but we can win on this message,” McDaniel said on Sunday’s Meet the Press. “The American people are where we are, and they want common sense limitations. They want more access to adoption. We want to make sure that there’s pregnancy crisis centers. These are things we can win on.”


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Anybody else catch this opinion article The Hill posted the other day? Truly fucking incredible how Republicans will lie right to our faces about what their stances are on abortion.

First it was “states rights”, which was immediately followed by “time for a nationwide ban” after Dobbs.
 When it actually came time for states rights on abortion, it was immediately followed by “we’re gonna do everything we can to stop this” when they lost on it.
 Now they want to try to downplay what they really mean by “abortion restrictions” when everyone can plainly see their actions belie their words.
 They really think we’re fucking dumb, don’t they?

Well, to be fair…

A lot of the people that reliably vote for them are (willfully) fucking dumb.

When you’ve built your “platform” on the basis that the people who vote for you are just going to take whatever you say at face value, you might be surprised that only a minority of people work that way.

Wow, that op-ed is something.

Simply put, most Republicans are moving toward where the majority of Americans are, wanting abortion to be legal but limited to the first 15 weeks of pregnancy. For proof, look no further than the stance of former president Donald Trump, who is leading the GOP primary race by a wide margin; he has called Florida’s six-week abortion ban “terrible” and is pushing back against a nationwide law outlawing the procedure.

So, wait, who put that 6 week ban up in the first place? I'm guessing not Democrats.